Your Pov ;
I Woke Upp Too a Sweet Voice , My Daughters , Her Name Is Shanae ( Sha-Nae ) She's 6 Years Oldd . I Hadd Her at a YOUNG agee . I Was Onlyy 14 . Don't Judge If You Don't Know My Story , My Ex Boyfriend James Raped Me In front Of His So Called Homeboys . Got Me pregnant andd Whenn I Toldd Him He Left Me . Whenn I Toldd My Mom wee Both Cryed . Whenn I Turned 17 My Mother Got Me a Job That Pays While , andd a Bigg Housee For Just Me andd my Baby Girl . Now Om 20Youu ; Heey Sweetie What Is It ?
Shanae ; Mommy I'm Boredd , andd Chresanto at The Door .
Youu ; Kaay , Till Him I'll Be Down There Inna Minute . Just Gotta Brush My Teeth .
Shanae ; Kaay Mommy .
Chresanto Is a Boy Wait Mann I'm Dating . He Been Super Sweet To Me andd Shanae . He's Like The Guy I Never Hadd . I Know He's 21 , Famous He Sings andd rap . we've Been Going Out For 1 Year Noww .
- Feww Minutes Later Down Stairs -
Youu ; Heey Chresanto .
Roc ; Hey Ynn .
Youu ; Baee What are youu going here .
Roc ; To ask Youu Too Move In With Me . Please Bae I Need Youuu . andd Is Lonely Now See Yo Beautiful Face . ♡
Youu ; Umm I Gotta Thinkk About It .
Momma always Told Me Never Move In With a Guy if Yall Not Married or engage . That Was Running Throw My Mine For That Time.
Roc ; Yn I Know We've been only dating for a year now but , * Get On Knees * I Love You With all my heart andd I don't want to let chuu go . Yn please ... Will youu marry me ? * Pulls Out Ring box and open it *
Shanae ; Saay Yass Mommy . Yasss .
Youu ; * Cryingg andd Thinking * Yesss , 100 Times Yes;s .
Roc ; * Put The Ring On Your Finger * , * Pick You Up andd kisses Youu . * Thanks Youu ♡ Just Pack Clothes , Towels , Soap , Girl Things , andd thinks yall need.
Youu ; Okaay I Will .
- Few Weeks Later -
I Moved In withh Chres alreadyy , and it been great , I lovee this guy . Not for the money but , for the love I got for this kidd. He's my everything . It goes my daughter thenn himm . I love the both of them . I toldd my mom that were getting married she happy . Andd I toldd my main girls I hang with . Idk how the social media found out but theyy noww .
- The New Show
Karry ( News Lady ) ; It Finds Out That Roc The Famous Rapper is getting married too His Girl Friend Yn Yln .
Idkk How Theyy Knoww But Theyy Knoww Now .
Tbcc (:
; Too all my fans , Idk What Happen but all my storty got deleted ex. for onee , andd I'm already finished withh that book , but .
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Don't Leave Me ... I Need You ( Mindless Behavior Story Yn andd Roc )
Teen FictionIs about a Girl Whoo Get pregnant at the age of 14 , Later In Her Life She Meets a Boyy Wait Man She Really Love Love , They Get Engage but will they get marriedd . Will Thing Go Downn Hill ? Will Theyy Be Lies andd Cheating ? Findd Out In The Story...