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jungkook: hi butterfly

trashybutterfly: uh hi. i don't mean to sound rude, but why did you start an individual chat with me?

jungkook: because i wanted to talk to you :)

trashybutterfly: okay, but there's the groupchat

jungkook: i know, but sometimes my hyungs can be a bit annoying

trashybutterfly: i'm sorry, but what's a "hyung"?

jungkook: it's a word used towards an older brother or male friend when you're a guy.

jungkook: when you're a girl, you call them "oppa"

jungkook: guys call older females "noona"

jungkook: and girls call older females "unni"

trashybutterfly: ah okay. thank you for the mini korean lesson

jungkook: anytime :)

jungkook: now can you tell me why you're username has "trashy" in it??

trashybutterfly: um.. because i'm trashy

jungkook: i don't believe that, and you shouldn't talk badly about yourself

jungkook: you should change your username to "butterfly"

jungkook: it sounds better 

trashybutterfly: i'll think about it


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