One Shot

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It was rare that he got to see her alone, without the prying eyes of the world and the media, or the eyes that pryed the most, the rest of the boys in the band. Lying down in the bed, her body curled against his. We had been seing eachother for the past few years now. To the world she was just a friend, to the band she was like a sister, but to me she was the other half of my heart.

She was quietly sleeping her razzberry hair splayyed across his chest. Fingers trailed down her naked spine, the gentle raise ridges, decorated with a green ivy vine tattoo.

Tell her that I want her

And he has always wanted her. They had worked together since god knows when, her smile was the thing that held him through the darkest of his days.

Tell her that I need her

He did need her, when her and the girls were getting grief, being compared to those other girls from SM, it hurt her, but most of all it hurt him, to see her hurting like that. The thought of not having her in the company, it made him sick to his stomach.

Tell her that shes more than a one night stand

JiYong had to hide his snort at this thought. She was never even a thought of a one night stand, he enjoyed the feel of her skin against his the friction, the sparks it created. He could never get the thought of her out of his nostrals.

Tell her that she turns my cheeks the color of my hair

Well his hair was red. He had no idea why YG wanted him to go the same color as her. The only one who knew the true status of the relationship between them was Papa YG. He ran fingers through the locks that were spread across his chest, soft smooth and they smelt of strawberrys and vanilla.

All I want to do is be near.

Why did they seperate them on tours? Her group would go to one side of the world while he and the boys would go to the other. He ached to be near to her heart all the time.

Tell her that I want her

Ji Yong wanted her, quiet possibly more than he has wanted anyone else in the world. He wanted her mind body and soul.

Tell her that I need her

He leaned down to whisper into her ear. "I never want to let you go, your place is here in my heart and in my arms."

Tell her that shes more than a one night stand.

If she was a one night stand, he wanted to live that one night over and over every night repeating the moments and holding her forever.

Tell her that I love her more than any one else

She was the only one he wanted for all his days. She was the only one, despite the countless throngs of girls that had thrown themselves at him, the countless offers he recieved. It was always her, and will always be her.

And if you don't I will tell her myself.

"I love you, beautiful" He whispered before leaning in to meet her blood red lips. Her skin was bright beneath his fingertips and the passion began a new, like it did that first night. 

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