the first of october

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mel is not the kind of person you'd expect to stumble over words, and she isn't, as long as they aren't spoken.

unfortunately, writing poetry and saying her coffee order aren't very similar, and it makes it increasingly harder when her barista has the most incredible eyes she'd ever seen. she'd always thought that brown eyes were underrated, but when she saw his, she was immediately transfixed, but her focus was broken by him raising an eyebrow and repeating the question he'd probably said over forty times that day.

"what can i get you?"

the fact that he saw her get slightly flustered and gave a small smile revealing a single dimple wasn't helping the color of her cheeks return to their normal state.

"what has the most caffeine and doesn't taste like coffee?"

she realized her mistake shortly after he let out a small chuckle, and his answer only made her want to hide more.

"judging that this place is called 'the coffee stop' i'm afraid the only other thing i can offer you is a coke."

his charm was quickly wearing off.

"then a coke please, with lemons."

there goes the eyebrow again.

"you want a lemon with your coke?"

god, she hated that eyebrow.

"i'll have you know that they serve it that way in france."

that shut him up. she payed and sat down, hoping that she might be able to write something, but her thought process was interrupted by the voice she'd heard just minutes ago.

"how do you know how they serve coke in france?"

it's mel's turn to raise an eyebrow now.

"excuse me?"

it was bothering her that she still found him cute.

"you ordered lemons in your coke because you said that's how they do it in france, have you ever been?"

she sighed loudly.

"shouldn't you be working?"

he shrugged his shoulders and made a noise that sounded kind of like a "eh."

"i went last year, is that all you want to know?"

whatever he was about to say was interrupted by someone from behind the counter yelling for someone named carter.

"um- i'd love to hear about it but i'd rather not get fired, i'll talk to you later."

it had come to her attention that he'd written his number on her napkin while she wasn't paying attention. he looked at her and winked which made her immensely more annoyed. so annoyed that she decided to take the coke to-go.

she prayed he wouldn't be there the next time she wanted a soda.

but maybe she'd call him, maybe.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2017 ⏰

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