Chapter two

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"Hey I'm Tate.." So dreamy "Go away Tate we don't need you here" Violet said with violence under her breath. "I'm just here to make friends" Tate says sweetly, "hah that's funny all your friends happen to leave you, don't they?" Violet snarls, "hey" I say slightly above a whisper, I can sense the tension and it's scaring me.. "Can we just all get along, I'm happy to be your friend Tate and Violet please calm down" I say in a understanding voice with slight fear under my breath. "Whatever" Violet says as she leaves I'll go hang out with Gabriel" Violet says tauntingly. It's been exactly three minutes since Violet left and here I am sitting in silence with Tate, I'm scared, he is giving of angry vibes and I have only just met him, how do I know how he is? "I'm sorry if I'm acting weird, me and Violet just well..Uhm..were a thing, once upon a time, and things can get very" Tate pauses trying to find the right word "hard I guess." "Seeing her everyday must be hard and strenuous" I say "woah smart one, strenuous? And "seeing her everyday"? How did you know?" He asks with a giggle and with slight worry, "well I figured you two went to the the same school and strenuous means requiring or using great exhaustion" I say as I blush, "I'm sorry I'm a real nerd when it comes to, well you know, big words" I say as I giggle. "Don't worry, everyone needs a smart girl" Tate says, "what do you mean?" I intrigue "Everyone needs a smart friend to set them straight" he explains. I-just-got-gosh darn friend zoned. I look to my hands and fiddle with my emerald ring with anxiety running through my veins, "I have to leave, now," Tate asks, Did I tell him my name?! Ugh stupid me! "It's Elizabeth" I say "cute" Tate says annoyingly, -skeerro- I hear as the car outside revs down, oh great my mothers home, today was long. -Gabriel's P.O.V- There she is..the most beautiful thing I have laid my eyes on, a auburn haired, emerald eyed, Rosie cheeked, beauty, I turn around as I come face to face with, him. -Clank- everything goes black..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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