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As promised, it's here!

Annyeong chingu! -mind that I will be saying this^ a lot, I don't know why, it just happens-

This book was something that randomly popped in my head and I was like, "hey! why not make a book dedicated to BTS memes." and the readers spoke, so here I am now making these random things↓


When you tried to get his attention for an hour, but he only notices when bae calls him

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When you tried to get his attention for an hour, but he only notices when bae calls him. ^rapmonie^


Some of these memes aren't mine and I'll let you know if it's not. wink*

Anyways, I will be updating this book whenever I'm bored or on writers block -very often- so stay active on this book, because this book got jams. (I j-hope it does)

Also, go check out my other similar book that started this idea, 'cute taehyung imagines'

Star this book if you like it and add it to your library for updates. :)

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bts memesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt