Four Peas in a Pod

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It happened way to fast. About a month before school was supposed to start, my friends and I were to go celebrate my sixteenth birthday, when they dropped the bomb on me that they were both moving away and never wanted to talk to me ever again. Is there any other way to flat out tell someone they don't want to talk to you because you're a freak? If there is I don't know it.

I tried to get my mind off of what had occurred by playing my online games. I would have been skyping my used to be friends at this moment, but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I was watching a youtube video on one of my monitors, while playing Minecraft on the other. That's when I met the people that would change my life.

I was reached out to. Someone actually wanted to talk to me. I was building on a new server, it was a pretty small server, but I enjoyed that about it. Not many people, but just enough to create a nice community where you could joke around with them. I was asked by a person with the user EmeraldSunShine if I would like to Skype them and two other friends. They said that I would mostly fit in pretty well with the three of them. I, was curious at first, but then decided to go ahead and give them my skype. They sent me a contact request and I accepted.

Then the skype call sound went off and I paused my video and clicked answer. I was very nervous of the people in case they were like 50 year old men. Adjusting my mic I said hi.

Since then there hasn't been a moment I haven't talked to them. EmeraldSunShine's name was Ambriel and the other two people, one's user was AttackingRainbow and their name was Augast. The others user was MasonG15 and there name was Mason.

These three people were the best of friends I could ask for. We all fit together like four peas in a pod. The funny thing was that we all met eachother on the same day. It turns out Ambriel was online one day and wanted to find some friends and the rest kind of fell in to place.

Ambriel was sixteen and going into her sophmore year of highschool like me, Augast was fifteen and going into her freshman year of highschool, Mason was sixteen and going into his Junior year of highschool, because he started highschool early. These three people were like my new family.

But they were like my secret family, no one knew about them. Of course my mom knew I had them, but she didn't really know them. I told no one about these three amazing people even though they ment the world to me. I didn't need any other friends except them. It was hard to trust anyone after my other friends that I had known for years decided to forget about me. I trusted these people with my life, but I always had a worry in the back of my head that they would leave me behind if they heard something about me that they didn't like.

That's why I didn't need any other friends, I didn't need anymore heart break if these people left me. That's what I thought to myself as I sat crying into my hands while sitting at my desk the night before school. It said 4 am on the clock on my computer monitor. I was having reoccurring fears in the back of my head as I thought about the one question that kept coming to mind, was I gay? I never liked guys, but I never thought about liking girls, I kept thinking about this thought. I was crying silently to myself for the thought of what people would think of me if I was.

My family was religious, and for the first eight years of my school life I went to private school for religious reasons. I doubted they would ever accept me if I was gay. Except I didn't even know if I was or not. I never even thought about liking someone, so what if I was asexual. I cried harder knowing that, that probably wasn't true and I was gay.

I decided to talk to one of my friends about it. I didn't want to tell any of my other friends for now, so I decided just to msg Mason on skype. I had changed his name ln skype to Mason the Idiot, so I chuckled a bit seeing that. I checked to see if he was online and it said he was. I began to msg him

(M = Max, MG = Masaon)

M - hey Mason you there?

MG - yah, what's up?

M - not really anything, I'm just kind of going through some rough spots and need someone to talk to.

MG - you okay M?

M - Yeah I'm fine... actually no I'm not

MG - talk to me Maxie, you know you can tell me anything

M - ....

M - it's just, I don't think you'll react very well if I told you...

MG - what, you have a crush on me or something?

M - No XD

MG - XD come on, you know you love me 8D

M - ...

M - actually it's quite oposite...

MG - what do you mean? You hate me? ; (

M - No, nothing like that

M - I'm not really ready to tell you yet, but don't tell anyone about this conversation... ok?

MG - alright... M get some sleep. I'm gonna head off for the night as well.

M - Alright, night Masie

MG - Night Maxiee ❤

M - XD stop

MG - no 8D


MG - night 😉


I hope you guys like my new book. I've been wanting to right this for quite a while, but haven't really had the time for it, I'll try my best to update this weekly, monthly at most. Some of the characters are based off of friends, but the main characters and the bullies and stuff like that are all OC's. That's all I wanted to say, I'm really tired, so I'll see ya guys later 😘 - Jade

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