Welcome to your new school

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Max's POV

The most annoying noise in the world can be one of two things, your parents yelling at eachother at six in the morning as one looks for a new job in the paper from last week, or the sound of your alarm clock an hour later.

I groaned as I slowly sat up an rubbed my eyes. Looking at the stupid clock on my nightstand. This thing is a curse.

I grabbed my clothes I had hung up on my desk chair and walked across the hall to my bathroom. My room is downstairs right below the kitchen and dining room, so I can hear all the foot steps and yelling that goes on up there. One of the good things about having my room in the basement, is that no one except me is ever down here, so I have my own bathroom.

I walked into my bathroom and hung my clothes up on a hook next to the door. I yawned and look into the mirror, eyes half open. Sighing I decided to take a quick shower.

When I finished, I dried off and put my new, clean clothes on. I was just wearing simple clothing that didn't make me stick out like a sore thumb. I dried and brushed my hair. It was one of the things that people would notice me for. My hair went down to my lower back and was a brownish, blonde color with purple tips starting halfway. I decided just to keep my hair down and put on some simple makeup, like Mascara and eyeliner.

I walked back into my room and picked up my phone, unplugging it from the charger. I checked the time, seeing as it was 7:30 am. I sighed and sat down at my desk chair checking if anyone was on skype yet. Then I remembered the conversation I had, had with Mason last night. I sighed and started typing

(Hopefully you can figure out who's who by their skype names XP)

Maxiee - Goodmorning guys

AttackingRainbow - morning

MasonG - Good Morning Newbie

I laughed. I was started my sophomore year at a new school in a new city because my mom had gotten a job promotion. This ment my dad had to look for a new job. He used to work on automobiles, but no one was hiring at any of the car companies in the city.

EmeraldSunShine - Good morning!

I heard my mom yell for me upstairs that it was time to go.

Maxiee - Wish me luck at my new school, I got to go!

MasonG - cya!

AttackingRainbow - cya! Wish me luck on my first day of highschool!

EmeraldSunShine - cya after school!

I quickly grabbed my things and darted upstairs. Book bag with my phone and necessary items in hand. I grabbed a granola strawberry bar and put in the pocket of my book bag.

"Alright, let's go!" My mom said pushing me out the door.

We got into the car and started driving. My mom looked at me and sighed.

"That's what you chose to wear today? How will you make friends looking like that?"

I looked down at my hands. My mom always made sure to make a comment on everything, she always pushed me to do good in school.

I was wearing black pants with holes in them on the knees, a dark red shirt with a grey and black striped jacket and black hightop converse.

"I don't need to make new friends, I'm trying to avoid that this year and besides, I already have three great friends." I said tapping my fingers.

"Online friends don't count, if you tell someone that at school you will most likely get laughed at. Some people just don't understand that."

Well maybe I don't want to tell people. That's what I wanted to tell her, but I bit my tongue.

We both stayed silent for most of the car ride, but as we pulled up to the curb, my mom look at me with a stern look.

"I mean this with your best interests in mind, but if you don't do well this school year, I will take your phone and your computer away, and you won't be allowed to talk to your online friends anymore, got that sweety?"

I felt like I wanted to scream at my mother when she said that, but I didn't, I wouldn't.

"Yes, mom."

I grabbed my book bag and got out of the car.

When I got inside the school building I walked over to the registry desk, they had this for freshman and people who were just starting at the school. I stood on the line and when it was my turn, a girl with a bubbly smile greeted me. She had a kind of sickening vibe.

"You seem a little old to be a freshman, you new here?"

I nodded.

"Wonderful, now let me see, oh here!" She handed me a packet. "This packet is for the new kids, it has a map of the school, and a few flyers for the many clubs and sport teams we have here, now what's your name so I can give you your schedule and locker combo?"

"Max Reeds" I told the girl.

She seemed a little thrown off by the name but looked on her list anyway.

"Oh! Here you are! Now, here is your schedule and your locker combo, if you have any questions or get lost, just ask a senior or a teacher and I'm sure they'd be able to help you."

She handed me another packet.

"Thanks." I said and walked away.

I opened the packet with my schedule in it and looked for where my home room would be. I started walking in the general area of where the classrooms were as I got out the map she had given me. While trying to read the map, someone ran into me causing them to fall on me. All my papers crashed to the floor.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Here let me help you." The guy that had fallen on me said as they helped me up and started to help me pick up my papers.

"It's fine, I wasn't watching where I was going either."

He handed me the rest of my papers. "My names Kaden." He said holding his hand out.

"Max. And not into you" I said shaking his hand.

"That's not what I was trying to do!" He said scratching the back of his head. "I'm actually gay, sooo, I'm not really either." He said laughing slightly.

"Oh! Heh, sorry for assuming that then, nice to meet you." I felt like a complete idiot....

"Nice to meet you too." Just then, the bell rang. "Uh, hey I got to go, but what do you say we hangout later at lunch or after school to something?"

Uhh.. what do I do? This guy wants to be my friend. "Yah, sure, I can't really hang out after school, but maybe at lunch or if we have a study hall together or something." I can't after school, cause I'll be hanging out with my online friends.

"Cool." He said. I continued to walk to my homeroom and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and Kaden was standing there. "Hey again, by any chance can you help me find Mrs. Nolan's homeroom?"

I nodded only because that was the same homeroom I had.

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