Chapter Four - Christian Grey

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After his offending remark about my favorite coffee shop, he stood up and nudged his head for me to follow him outside. And that's exactly what I did but I stayed a good five feet away from him. You know, just in case he gets blown up with a sniper and stuff.

He approached an expensive, fancy and also a very shiny black limo with all windows tinted. Yeah. Not shady at all. He opened the door, a scowl on his face and his shoe tapping the ground impatiently. I bit back a snicker, satisfied that I was annoying him more than someone has possibly annoyed him his entire life.

"Come on, Do you have to take a shït? What's taking you so long?" He scrunched his eyebrows to an enraged glare.

His statement earned a scoff from me and I rolled my eyes and begrudgingly sped up my pace. I went inside the car, with my arms crossed in front of me and glared at him as he got in the limo too. He ignored my "sweet" expression and said in a taunting demeanor, "You can stop pretending you hate me now. I know you want me. All you have to say is please, babe."

I hated how my body reacted and moved away from him. "You do realize this limo makes you look like a pimp even more." I said lowly, changing the subject.

"You secretly want me to be a pimp, don't you? Since you keep mentioning it?" He grinned. I squeezed my thighs together.

"Oh shut up you little Hispanic looking Christian Grey!" I blurted out. Damn. I did it again. That random outburst of things that didn't make sense. Well that sentence kinda made sense. But I wouldn't tell him that.

He laughed so hard while I turned into a freaking tomato, I might as well melt into ketchup. "Christian Grey? Getting naughty are we? Want me to whip you to submission?" His eyes visibly turned darker with amusement? Lust? Okay. I'm scared.

I was about to say that he should shove it where we all know where he could, when the limo came to a stop. Curious, I practically shoved my face to the window.

He shook his head, amused. "You can look at it better when we're outside." Come on.

Holy cheesecakes. I would gladly work for this guy as a maid. I wasn't too sure what to expect when he said "my place" but this was out of my imagination. In front of me stood a big mansion, it could be the White House. Colorful plants were everywhere. There was a huge pool in front. That's just my description of it since it looked to beautiful to describe.

"This is your place?" I breathed out. Damn this boy was rich.

"No. This is just a small head quarters. My place is at the back. This is just where the cars are parked." An amused expression was practically stapled on his face by now.

Small? Well then.

He led me to the big, mansion looking 'head quarters' and we or he was greeted by about four fake breasted, but gorgeous uhm... ladies that wore lingerie so sheer and tiny, they might as well be naked.

"Ladies, as much as I want to play right now... I'll have to pass." He pouted.

Play? Can somebody hand me something to puke on? One these girls' cleavage would do just fine.

They all turned away sadly. "What's got you so mad, Amelia? He pronounced my name as "A-mehl-ya" might I add.

"I just thought this would be fast since I have to read a damn contract. And it's A-meel-yuh barnacle head."

"You watch spongebob too? OMG, that's like my favorite show, Amehlya!" He said in a overly high pitched white girl voice.

"Stop calling me that, Pollo." I sneered. He looked so confused, I wanted to pinch his cheeks. Stop it! You're being ridiculous.

"It's Marco, not Pollo. Pollo means chicken."

"Don't tell me you don't know what that game is." I smiled, amusement filling me. He scrunched his eyebrows together. "What game?"

I laughed for a good two minutes and when he knew he would not get an answer from me, he started to pull me by my arm and just let me keep laughing until we found the exit that went straight ahead.

When I finally calmed down from my laughing high, we were already outside and an even bigger mansion met our eyes. He smirked. "Now, this is my place."

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