Car Rides with Carter

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"You are going to go out with WILLIAM?" Carter loudly says jealousy thick in his voice.

"I said I might and only because I really like you." I confess.

"Why would you go out with someone else if you like me?"  Carter says annoyance and confusion laced in his tone.

"We obviously can't let Brenda know anything is going on and if I have a "boyfriend" then any suspension of anything between us will be squashed. Thus preserving Brenda's sanity, somewhat." I divulge my theoretical plan. I feel kinda bad for even thinking about using William and lying to everyone but it is just a thought. I doubt that I will actually go through with this deceitful scheme. Carter's hands are gripping the steering wheel tightly and his eyes are fixed on the road.

Why is he freaking out about this? It's not like I have actually been out with William. We sit in silence. I am waiting for Carter to speak because it's all on him, what he says next could potentially change everything, Carter pulls up to my house. I see my brother's jeep in the drive way and a wave of relief washes over me. Carter puts the car in park and looks at me.

"I think it is a good plan" He brakes the painful silence. His voice has reverted back to its normal calm state. Shock is written all over my face, I can feel it. Those are the last words I was expecting to come from him at this moment. I thought he was going to save me from my insanity, guess not.

His beautiful blue eyes look into my green ones. I can see him searching for what to say next. Finally he says, "I know that this is the only way for us to be together. The only way that won't hurt Brenda. The only way that we will be able to be seen together. I will do whatever it takes to be near you," Carter pauses and leans closer to me. "to hold you," He says as he grabs my hand. "to touch you," He continues as he moves a strand of hair away. "to kiss you." He whispers before softly touching my lips with his. His lips depart from mine as he pulls away. His lips are the only ones my lips have ever touched and I think they will be the only ones they ever will. "Even if it is in secret." He whispers.

"Okay." I breath. I guess I am going to have to ask William out but I don't want to think about him right now. All want to think about is being in this car with Carter.


The second I walked through the door my mom embraces me in a huge hug and immediately asks if I am alright. I assured her that I am. The event pertaining to Brenda and her parents comes rushing back to my consciousness. I feel kind of guilty for forgetting but the smell of chocolate hits me and suddenly that takes over all of my senses. I turn to my mom wide eyed and utter, "You made hot chocolate."

"Ummhmm." She says as she walks toward the kitchen. I follow the taste of the chocolaty goodness already in my mouth.

Despite the night I've had the cocoa warms me up and comforts me. I mean I performed, fought with Nancy, kissed Carter, comforted my two best friends to the best of my ability and ended it all in agreeing to be deceitful. That is a lot of crap to deal with in one night. I don't think my mom knows how important this mug of cocoa is to me. Then again she probably does, why else would she make it for me?

"So you heard?" I ask quietly after enjoying a sip of the rich deliciousness that fills my hot pink mug.

"Yeah, your dad got the call really early and hasn't been home since." My mom says before taking a sip out of her light blue mug. As the Sheriff's wife she understands that he has to leave but I know it isn't easy on her.

"I was so worried for you and Sam. When Sam texted me and said y'all were at school, I was so proud of you for not risking it and driving. But, when he came home and you didn't I almost had a heart attack. He said you wanted to stay at the hospital with Brenda but he failed to mention how you were going to get home or why he decided to leave his baby sister in the middle of a snowstorm!" My mom says her voice escalating with each word.

"Mom, it's not his fault. It was a long night. Plus I got home safely." I say getting from the barstool and giving my mom a hug.

"Well, none the less you should have at least texted me and your brother is grounded." She adds after a moment.

"From what?" I asked curious as I lean back from the embrace.

"Nancy." My mom says with a smile through her tears.

"Haha that isn't a punishment!" I say not withholding my laughter.

"Well, I didn't want to be too hard on him." My mom says with a smile as she wipes her few tears away. I sit back down on the bar stool and drink another sip of the most amazing beverage in the entire world.

"How is Brenda?" My mom asks.

"Honestly, I'm really worried about her. Ever since Carter broke up with her she has been different but now she doesn't even resemble herself." I say thinking back to her kissing Dylan. She was most definitely the one who kissed him, not the other way around. I may have arrived right before the event but she was the one that leaned in.

"I can't possibly imagine what she is going through right now." My mom says then pauses for a moment. "Did you invite her to spend Christmas with us?"

"No, but I definitely think I need to do something. Annabelle and I were going to plan....something" I say slightly trailing off.

"Well, give her tonight to process then call her tomorrow morning." My mom says. "And don't overwhelm her. Be sure to be open but not pushy."

"I will. Don't worry." I say while downing the last drop of the hot cocoa in my favorite mug.

"Would you like more?" My mom offers.

"No, I'm exhausted. I'm going to go to bed." I answer truthfully.

"Alright, honey. Sweet dreams." She says as I slide down from the barstool.

"I love you!" She shouts when I make it to the entry hall.

"Love you too!" I say back while going up the stairs to my room.

Quarter High Chronicles: Surviving the Snow StormWhere stories live. Discover now