4.Ray .. Romantic

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Maaann this imagines came out romantic oh well


You and your friends are on the floor playing truth or dare ( you know the one w| the bottle ... Yea datt ) your friend Sabrina spins the bottle an it lands on you.

"Truth or Dare. " She asked

" Truth. " you said

Everyone of your friends groaned.

" WHHHATT!? " You asked

" You always pick dare buzz kill " Sabrina informed.

Everyone nodded there heads in agreement.

" Fine that's how ya feel. dare" you have into the peer pressure. everyone cheered

" I are you to go upstairs with Ray and have 1O minutes of heaven.

" .... Ummmmm " you were kinda embarrassed considering Ray was your best guy friend.

" You choose dare gotta do it." prince said.

" One I don't have to don't have to do anything Dos I choose truth you guys forced me to choose dare." you said

"Either way still gotta do it 😼" roc said

" Come on Brianna I'm not that ugly " Ray said 😞

" It's not that your ug-" he cut you off

"Well them come on I won't bite " he continued.

' Maybe ' he mumbled .

" FINE " you shouted

Ray smirked and helped you up. you lead him up the stairs to your room.he closed the door behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed his forehead against yours

------------------ DOWNSTAIRS ----------

10 minutes later

" oh yea Brianna and Ray are up there." She giggled" YOU GUYS CAN STOP SUCKING EACHOTHERS FACES OFF NOW ! "

--------- UPSTAIRS -----

It took y'all a long time to release from the kiss 😳. He bit your lip and put his forehead against yours and looks deeply into your eyes you smile. And from that day on you've laid in you bed thinking about the kiss. You both haven't talked about it, but your friends always do.


👅 - Jaz 😝

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