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While he think about his past jas made woke him up..

M; ani..ani get up da, its already night , how long u sleep like this???

A;mm..ani rolled on his body

M; pich dai wake up da..she shook his shoulder 

ani get up and sit in the stright manner , he rubbed his eyes and see her face innocently 

A; what's up?? y u wake up me??

M; see the time, its already 7 pm long u sleep like these ??

A; ohh..its 7 ah..k he againg fall on the bed 

M; ani???

A; mm.. still in lying

M; if u don't get up, i will pour a water on u

A; do if u can?? he said in challenging tone 

jas took the glass which is placed on nearest table, she give final warning to him but he ignore it, so jas pour the water on his face and start to  laughing..ani was get up and still looking at her terribly .

A; what is this jasmine??? he had angry on her

M; i told u get up, and give warned u but u ignore my words that'y i prove it ..

A; u.... he try to catch her but she ran away from him

A; u think i can't catch u???

M; do if u can baby??? said and start to ran from there .ani chase her..she ran faster then him..

A; hey wait a minutes

M;y??? do u think i believe u??? if i stop , u will  caught u ???

A; no i won't first i need fresh up myself

M; kk. go 

ani went to the wash room , he fresh up himself and come to the hall..jas make the coffe for him and give it to him..he  drank it and kept the cup on table..

A; um k, now i am fresh and strong can we start it again???

M; huh??? um...k said with smile..

when she say yes ani move so fast and easily caught her ..

M; hey its cheating u know??? 

A; haha yeah... but its my trick la

ani hug her tightly and start to kiss her, she palmed on his chest and push him hardly , and  she start to ran..he start to chase the same time jasmine's phone were ring..she stop the running  and  went near to the table and took her phone  she attened the call..mean while ani caught her from behind. 

A; i caught u babyy...he shout like a hell .

M; ani, i want to attened the call , can u release me??

M; hello , whose that???

S; its me supriya..

S m vo;  ani is shout those words???

A; first u cut the call, because i won ur challenge ..he pull the phone from her hand and placed it on the table

M; anii... she again took the mobile and start to speak..ani start to his  sweet torture..he kiss her cheeks, neck fore head. and all over face

M; pich ani ..

A; ohh serious ah.. cut panu diii he throw the mobile at couch..and push her at the couch..he made laughing at her..and continue his romance..

M; ani...stop it daaaa... hahahaaha ..babyyyyyyyyy

A; i love u diii so i won't  haha , while he say like that jas pull him toward her and pecked a kiss on his cheeks 

Their convertion all heared by supriya, its made her angry on him and made the jelous about JASMINE..

S m vo; ohhh..both of u enjoy ur life huh??? just wait Mr & Mrs. ANIRUDH ..i will separate u as soon as..

To be continue..

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