complications in life

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''LIFE.....four simple letters to spell but sometimes impossible to understand,sometimes we think we understand life and had it all planned but life never turns out how we plan it.So we should stop planning,no we should plan but also prepare ourselves to get surprise,inspire,sometimes shocked,hurt,pain also...

''My life was simple and full of happiness but being human you are never really satisfied with it.I too wanted to explore and find some secrets about my life but didn't knew that some secrets are best kept secret because they'll only hurt you...

''Hemera wake up its 7 already,mom is screaming at top of her lungs,''said my cousin,best friend,worst enemy,she is all in one and I love her so much,but mornings,I always hate them lots of sun shine everything so bright it hurts my eyes.

''Bug off Eirene,I am really sleepy and my eyes are hurting like hell,close these curtains,'I shouted,I literally hate sun it hurts my eyes.I went to doctor he said nothing is wrong with with my eyes it must be deficiency of Vitamin A.

Somehow after 15 min later Eirene managed to woke me up.I went to bathroom to have a long shower,I looked myself in mirror..I was not most beautiful girl but something was strange about my looks.My eyes were really light blue almost the colour of ice.I was really pale like really pale,I also consulted doctor that maybe I am anemic but no my reports were fine...

I went to my wardrobe which is like a small room,to find some decent clothes for me,you see we are really rich.My mom and Eirene's dad are siblings and are rich businessman.We have all the luxury that anyone can desire for but I don't know I still feel incomplete,maybe it my dad..I don't know who he is and mom never told me about him.

Whenever I asked about him she just sits quietly or change the topic.So now I stopped asking.''Hemera,hurry up we are going to be late for college,''Said Eirene mouth full of bread''Mera honey sits today I have baked cake for you,taste and tell me how is it,''said my loving aunt Samantha..

She is Eierene's mom and my mom's best friend too.They are best friends since 7th grade and my mom introduced her to uncle Andrew,they fell in love and had sweetest mistake of their life,EIRENE.She is 19 and I am 20 year old.

These people are my family and I love them alot,I just can't imagine life without them...''Cake is Delicious aunt Sam,we need to hurry Eirene or we'll be late,''..

''Really its coming from you who is responsible for delay,''said Eirene...We both left to college..''So how is James,Don't give me that look,..he is the one tall,cute with dimples and British ascent,...''Why do you need my opinion on guy subject.If you like him then go ahead tell him,..''.

.''I was thinking about you Mera,maybe you should go out with him,''I hate this guy topic and all..Whenever I think about dating someone it reminds me of mom,she never married or dated a guy..I always think if I love a guy and he left me what will I do move on or I'll always be stuck alone like my mom.

''Listen Eirene I am not interested in this James guy can we talk about something else,.''Fine don't talk about it,you know shutting yourself is not a solution,but why am I telling you this and who am I to tell you this.,just leave it drop the topic,.''

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