James Stood Corrected

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When Dominique was appointed Professor for the new Muggle Dance Subject, to say the Wotter clan was surprised was an understatement since Dominique only just graduated.

In the first class which was a 5th, 6th and 7th year class along with all the houses, Dominique called up the two least likely people who knew how to dance...Rose and Hugo.

"C'mon, they're nerds, not dancers!" James shouted, getting lots of laughs from everyone except for Lily, Scorpius, Albus, Molly, Lucy and Dominique who really knew Rose and Hugo's secret talent.

To say a lot of people were shell shocked when Rose and Hugo performed a  beautiful rendition of Twerk It Like Miley was another understatement, I mean who knew Hugo can rap? And who knew Rose can make boys drool when she wants to?

And that was the last time, James underestimated his two Weasley cousins, because he will always be stand corrected.

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