Cry of the Broken

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"Pix, the Apprentices told us specifically to turn right back there, and you went left!" Analisa screamed at her frenemy. They argued constantly. Cyr sighed, knowing they were going at it again. She looked back at Wyatt, who was currently about twenty feet behind them.

"You're such an idiot! They clearly said to go left after the seventy-ninth burnt tree!" Pixelz yelled in reponse. Their walking ceased as the argument increased in volume and the frustration became even more obvious.

"Hey! Shut your faces and listen to the person who has the highest IQ!" Cyr shouted, silencing them both. "They told me which way to go when you two went to get your bags. We're going the way they told me to go, because I actually pay attention. If I hear any more childish bickering, I will personally bitch-slap both of you. Got it?" The two girls nodded and glanced at each other in apology. Wyatt smirked at Cyr.

"Nice one. Bitch-slapping the bitches," he joked, and Cyr sighed again.

"Your shitty sense of humor is the only thing keeping me from kicking you," she responded, rearranging her dark brown hair that had fallen over her gray eyes. Wyatt loved her, but she was too busy to notice. She should know, having grown up around boys, but she didn't. He wanted to do something; kiss her or hold her hand or something, but he just couldn't do it. Maybe it was the smell of toxic waste in the burnt forest.

The four of them didn't look very special. Analisa had blue hair, but that was the strangest thing appearance-wise. Cyr had an IQ of 240, which was why she was on the run. Someone that smart wasn't going to go unnoticed by the government. Hell, she was 11 when she finished what would normally have been her sixth year of college.

Amber, more commonly known as Pixelz, had red hair and a strange obsession for YouTubers. She was highly skilled at anything computer related, especially programming. She used to write fanfiction and managed a YouTube channel herself, but that was before she knew about the Feared 2 years ago.

Analisa, Amber's cousin, was fairly normal. Constantly having mood swings, she can go from absolutely pissed off to "rainbows and unicorns" in an instant. It helped massively that she was into drama and acting, or else her true personality would screw her over.

Wyatt was about as normal as a flying elephant. He was as strong as an elephant, anyway. And just as clumsy, too. He could easily punch someone in the face and it wouldn't even be called a face. It would be called "an insult to pancakes everywhere." He was taller than Pixelz and Analisa, but Cyr was still taller than him. Not by much, but still taller.

Their only chance at saving their home was to rescue the Heroes: a group of about six people who were the strongest, bravest, and most powerful of anyone. The Feared had kidnapped them a few months back. No one knew who or what the Feared are, but with a name like that, they didn't bother to find out. All they knew was that the Heroes weren't able to escape.

The bodies of the Heroes had been corrupted by some alien virus, trapping the souls in an eternal hell. Outside, they seemed happy and content, their emotions and actions controlled. On the inside, however... they were screaming, fighting desperately to end whatever was happening.

Cyr knew all of this, and so did the three others in their little group. They had all seen the visions, and had been brought to the Apprentices. The Apprentices were a revolutionary group, and had gone undetected by the Feared thus far. They studied the arts of fighting, healing, and magic, and took in whoever they thought were worthy. The ones they didn't take in were still taken care of, but had no memory of the people who healed them.

Cyr's mother had started the Apprentice Movement, but had died from the unexpected bombing that occurred over a year ago. She never knew her father, but she loved him anyway. Her mother told her she also had a brother, but ran away from home one day and never came back. He had left her a flashdrive before he left, and hid it in a place he somehow knew Cyr would look after her mother died. She, of course, found it, and never forgot the secrets on that little flashdrive.

She dug her nails into her hands, something she did when she needed to concentrate. She was used to the pain by now, and only stopped when the blood seeped out of her palms. Cyr, more than anyone, needed to find the Heroes. They were the only ones who could tell her how to find her brother.

A/N: Hello, everyone! Thanks for reading this! It really is appreciated :] If you find any spelling errors, please tell me. I typed this on my Kindle Fire, and that damn thing hates me. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed it so far! I'll write chapter two tonight, if I have time. It's my birthday, don't be so judgemental! Pewds, Cry, and everyone else in the tags will be in the story, just wait, okay?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2013 ⏰

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