Chapter 18

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How inappropriate would it be if I screamed right now? I mean, I'm still in Harry's lap and we only just detached our lips from each other but the feelings inside of my body are about to come out in noises and dances of delight. Oh that can't be pretty. What this boy does to me, I can't even.

"You're grinning." He states. Well yeah, no shit Sherlock and I feel my cheeks hurting because of it.

"Sorry." I apologize for the sight I must be right now. I think the brightness of my smile is lightening up the whole garden but I can't look at anything else but Harry's lazy smile directed to me.

He shakes his head, his smile stretching a little wider. "Why are you sorry?"

I shrug. "Because I feel like doing some kind of happy dance right now. I can't believe I kissed Harry Styles." I let out a bit louder than necessary considering the fact that his ear is almost next to my mouth.

"Oh." He pushes me off of him with a practiced ease and hauls himself up so he can sit on the edge of the hot tub. His smile has dropped but it's hard to concentrate on that when his dripping wet muscular body is right there in front of me. "Is that what this is all about then?"

"What?" I ask dumbfounded and a slight bit in shock of the distance he created between us abruptly. I don't really understand.

"Kissing Harry Styles from Skyway, an interesting name to add on your list. You're going to scream it out to the world then? Let me give you a tip, the press offers big money if you play your cards right." He says harshly as he rests his elbows on his knees and puts his head in his hands, pulling at a few strands of hair with his fingers.

"I don't understa—"

"While you're at it, tell them that I'm gay too." He cuts me off. My heart stops right then and there. Harry is gay? Womanizer Harry Styles likes boys? Well something should've clicked when we kissed but for some reason I didn't even think that he could be gay. Or is he being sarcastic? It's obvious he's not a real womanizer though; his heart is too big to play with people's emotions like that.

"You're gay?"

He ignores me. "I can't believe it, I've made such a big mess. How could I be so stupid?" He growls, getting entirely out of the hot tub now. He snatches a towel from the chair but instead of drying himself off, he pulls at it so hard that I'm not surprised if it rips in two.

"Harry" I try to get his attention.

"Let me eh, I'll drop you off at home." His back is turned to me and his head is bowed down, if his voice didn't give it away, his body language makes it clear that he's upset. He shakes his head a little and goes inside his house. I stare after him, obviously I'm the cause for his sudden mood change but what did I do? He regrets kissing me but why? I thought he wanted to kiss me. He made the first move and everything.

I dry myself off and collect the clothes I wore today and bring them inside. I expected Harry to be fully dressed and ready to go but he isn't even up the stairs yet. Instead, he's curled up on the sofa, hugging a pillow to his chest.

"Eh." I start but I have no idea what to say. Should I leave him alone and find my own clothes or should I apologize for whatever I did wrong? Should I comfort him? I think the latter is the last thing he wants, it seems like he doesn't want anything to do with me right now. I wish I'd paid attention to the car ride to his house so I know which direction to walk in or know where I could find a bus at an hour past midnight.

"You don't have to get me home, I can walk but could you tell me where my clothes are?" I say as calm as possible.

"They're in the dryer." He replies shortly. "Room next to the bathroom."

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