Chapter 1

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I wish things could be simpler. I wish I knew all of the answers to each problem that came my way. Alas, the Gods appear to have other plans for me it seems. Still I was finally glad to have this wonderful home in Markarth; I've created a family of my own companions.

"Still writing away in your book, I see," Mjoll said. "I would've thought you ran out of pages." She drew up the adjacent chair and sat at the table with me.

"The story of the Dragonborn is not a tale that will be ending anytime soon," I replied. "Not with the misadventures that we've experienced."

She chuckled, still dawning her unforgettable smile. "Lucia was telling Ghorbash and I about how she wants to be just like you when she grows up," she said, "Slaying dragons, defeating bandits, raiding mysterious crypts, specifically in that order, she told us."

I should not be so surprised that any child of mine would want to be just like their father. "All hail the conquering hero," the people would sing. My path has taken me thus far and then some. Although as the months go by, I find it difficult keep track of where this is all going and where it will leave me. I only hope that my choices don't end up costing me my life as they have for the ones that have fallen by my own hands.. I thought I found my life in Hammerfell, but now I realize that it resides here, in Skyrim. May the Gods watch over-

"J'zargo does not wish to interrupt, Dovahkiin," the mage said, "However, there is a courier at the door for you."

I sighed in anguish "This late at night? All right, I suppose I'll see what he's delivering."

I shut the book and walked to the front door, looking rather sluggish. "Oh yes, Dovahkiin, I presume?" the courier inquired.

"One and only, unfortunately."

"I've got two letters here for you. One from a Lady Serana and another one here without a name."

Serana? I always expect these no-name notes from some amatuer thugs, but this is the first time she has written ever since she stayed with the Dawnguard. I wonder what could be going on over there.

"All right, that's all I have for you right now. You take care now."

I waved him off on his way, "Same to you, my friend." After closing the door, I never hesitated for a second to open Serana's letter first. It's like the words just floated off the page.


I'm going to keep this brief because I'm sure you must have a lot of questions. The vampires seem to be on the rise again, but the reports from Isran's troops are unlike anything we've heard. The ones that survived came back with news that they were attacked by said vampires...

This really isn't news, Serana. Wait...

... In broad daylight. I don't need to tell you how much more dangerous the situation has become and I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm writing this out of desperation. Well, I kind of am. Anyway, we need to talk about what comes next if this is another invasion or something even worse. Meet with Isran and I in Whiterun within the next week. Bring all the help you can get. We're counting on you.


Just what I needed: more vampires. What's this other note?

Talos calls to thee.

A friend

Not really sure what to make of this one. Don't really care to. "Dovahkiin, may J'zargo ask what you've received?"

"I got a note from a so called "friend". That is not what interests me, however. This is a letter from Serana, take a look." The feline mage skimmed the text with his beady eyes. "J'zargo always missed the challenge these vampires proposed."

"I figured you'd say something like that. I am not so eager about this." I scratched my head, not knowing how to process this new information. "It seemed like yesterday a certain prophetic vampire lord was threatening us to drain the life from our very bodies."

The feline placed his hand on my shoulder. "Come now, there's no need for distress. Greater beings have tried to destroy this world, and look where they are now. All with J'zargo's help of course."

"Oh sure," I laughed.

"Ah, we agree." He paced around, lightly drawing his claws against wall. "So, what shall we do?"

I had no answer for him, nor did I want to falsely raise his morale. "We'll discuss this in the morning. It would suit us best if everyone at least knows what is going, but right now is not the time."

"That seems to be the wisest course. In the morning, then."

J'zargo walked back to his room, passing by a curious Mjoll. "Dovahkiin, what's the matter?" she asked. I handed the letter to her so that it could speak for itself. "So another adventure awaits?"

"Let's not jump ahead of ourselves. I had hoped the vampire reign would end when we defeated Harkon, but clearly this has evolved into something bigger."

"But we are going, right?" she asked inanely.

"Yes, but we must go over this with everyone else in the morning."

"Fair enough. I guess I'll have to go sharpen Grimsever in the meantime."

"Go to bed, Mjoll. You can sharpen all the blades you want tomorrow."

She patted my arm and went off into the food cabinet. "Can't sleep on an empty stomach, now can I?"

"You had better not touch my sweet rolls!"

I was not quite sure what to make of this news. Vampires attacking under the beating sun? I would have called it preposterous, but then again, this land was plagued with the threat of dragons not so long ago. It's just that whenever all seems right in the world, something arrives that break that preconception. Given what appears to be an ultimatum by the Gods themselves to continue fighting, I find I'm left again with more questions than answers. This wouldn't be a problem if I were immortal, but I feel that time would unravel me down a path insanity, rather than clarity.

Given the circumstances, however, I wonder if I should be glad that I've made it this far without faltering. Not for long, at least. Yet here I am, detailing my thoughts in a book meant for my words, and my words only. This life may sound like one full of epic tales to astonish, but heed my words when I say that the life of the Dragonborn is not the same as it says in the Book of the Dragonborn. I never chose this path, but I suppose I had no choice but to walk. Maybe now isn't such bad time to start sprinting. I hope my mind will be clearer in the morning hours because if we have nothing but bad ideas, I don't want it to be from lack of trying. I write this in the hopes that this is my last crusade into danger. Gods, watch over us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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