Love is like...

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Love is like a river.
A river is ever flowing.
A river has twist and turns.
Love is like a river because love is flowing with twist and turns, ups and downs in live.

Love is like a river because love is flowing with twist and turns, ups and downs in live

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Love is like a fire.
A fire burns bright.
A fire is dangerous.
Love is like a fire because it hurts and burns the brightest feelings.

Love is like a fire because it hurts and burns the brightest feelings

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Love is like an ocean.
An ocean can never be tamed.
An ocean is clam as well.
Love is like an ocean because it is clam but the feelings can never be tamed.

Love is like an ocean because it is clam but the feelings can never be tamed

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Love is like a test.
A test provide how much you have learned.
A test can seem impossible but it is not.
Love is like a test because it can seem impossible but it is just what you learned.

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