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Doctor P.O.V

"COME ON!" I scream pushing every button on the TARDIS console, "not now, NOT NOW! IN THE MIDDLE OF A WORM HOLE, YOU HAVE TO PLAY 'Kill The Doctor In A Wormhole' NOW!" I take out my sonic screwdriver and wave it around the console "but its not a game..." I mutter to myself, a great crash startled me. "I'LL TRY AND LAND BUT, THERE'S NO GUARANTEE THAT WE WILL LAND ANYWHERE OTHER THAN A LITTLE GIRL'S GARDEN... DONT ASK IT ALWAYS HAPPENS,". I land with a bang and the TARDIS shuts off leaving me in the dark. I rush to the doors and open them, walk quietly onto the grass and spot a young girl. "What are the odds...".
"Who are you?" The young girl whispers.
"Hello, I'm the doctor," I say with a charmed smile.
"Are you the 'Raggedy Doctor'," she beams with hope in her eyes.
"How do you know that name?" I slowly inch closer to her.
"My granny told me, why?"
"What year is this?"
"2040, why?"
"How old are you?"
"11, why?"
"What's your name?"
"Stranger danger!"
"What and odd name,"
"Oi! Shut up!" I put my hand up and pretend to zip my mouth shut.
"That's better, now!" She begins to walk back and fourth, "My names Marie Ainsworth, you know my granny, Amelia Pond, who was married to my bampy, Rory Williams, they had my mum, she grew up, bleh, bleh, bleh, she got married, that's where the name Ainsworth comes in, had me. So... yeah," I nod my head slowly.
"So!" I break the silence "Where are they? Rory and Amy?" Her face becomes sad,
"No, no, no, no, that's never a good face," I kneel down next to Marie as she breaks down in tears, "Hey? What's the matter?" She lets out a great huff and wipes her tears,
"They both died last week, Doctors said they died naturally, but no, Granny knew something was coming for her, she knew she was going to die, Doctor. And that Wednesday she passed, I-I saw that morning, and she said to me, 'Marie, tell the Doctor... tell The Raggedy Doctor, that I said hello,'... and you know what the funny thing is?" She paused and wipes another tear away, "The funny thing is. They both died, hand in hand, less than half an hour after we left the old peoples home, and no one noticed..."
"Okay... That is peculiar,".
"You think?" She sniffs once more before storming off inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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