Part Two

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"RING RING RING-" Lovino's phone began to go off at 7 am.

"Ughh. Shut the fuck up." Lovino sighed into the pillow he was sleeping on. Already feeling a headache begin to pound on his head.


"fUCKING HELL." The angry Italian yelled groggily as he reached for his phone on the nightstand to the side of him. 

"RING RING RI-" The piercing ringing stopped as Lovino picked up the phone. 

"Who the fuck is calling me on my day off?" He said heatedly to the speaker on the other side. Whoever decided to call him this early was about to get a raging Italian screeching into their ear. 

"Ah, did I wake you up Mr. Varges?" A familiar gruff voice said in response. 

"Oh, its you. S-sorry. What the hell do you want?" Lovino spoke in a more mannered tone. It was his boss, he didn't want to get fired. But as soon as he thought this, memories of yesterday flooded into his head and his face twisted in grimace. 

"I think you know what i'm contacting you about. Though, I think it would be better if we talked about it later at the cafe. Is 12:30 pm good for you?" The Turkish man asked.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. See you then." Before his boss could say another word, Lovino hung up. It was too early to deal with this crap.

He had started to stand up, but after putting a foot on the chilly floor, he knocked over a glass object with a "clink". Looking down, he noticed three empty bottles of wine, and half a bottle full of vodka. Gripping his aching head, he pieced together what had happened.

"Looks like I drank myself to sleep... and got a fucking hangover-" Lovino mumbled to himself, annoyed at his actions the previous night. He stepped out of his small room and made his way to his cramped kitchen to get some coffee. This was going to be a long day.

[Time skip to 12:50 pm]

Lovino took a deep breath as he walked up to the square glass doors that lead into the Cafe. 'I should have just slept through this and quit my job. This is too much fucking work-' He thought as he opened the doors. Right as he walked in, he was greeted by his boss standing next to the counter in the same long green coat he always wore. 

"Hello Mr. Varges. You're late-" Sadik began as he walked up to Lovino.

"Yeah yeah, piss off." The Italian said harshly as he made a beeline to the nearest two seat table against the window. Sadik gave him a quick annoyed glare, but he plastered a fake smile and sat down at the table. 

The two of them sat in awkward silence. Lovino had turned his head to space out onto the slightly empty streets, overshadowed by patches of grey clouds looming overhead. But his boss suddenly spoke, snapping Lovino out of his trance. 

"So, I've called you in today to speak to you about your attitude. You probably remember what happened yesterday, right?" Sadik said sternly. Lovino felt as if his eyes were practically staring into his soul. 

'Fuck you' "Yeah. What of it?" Lovino said looking over to his annoying boss. 

"That was the third time you went off on Mr. Kirkland in the two months you've worked here Lovino. A customer. What do you think will happen to this business if you keep getting into idiotic fights?" Sadik questioned. 

"Well, he was being an annoying asshole so I got mad. Simple as that. And its not my fault if people can't handle my personality, it's their own fucking fault." Lovino scowled. 

Sadik sighed deeply and knitted his eyebrows. "Mr. Varges. I recommend you fix your attitude for your own sake. Nobody will employ a man who has no politeness whatsoever-"

"Shut the fuck up! I don't have to fix crap you bastard" Lovino said in a loud voice. He could feel the other workers and customers begin to stare at him. The feeling was beginning to tick him off. 

"Alright, alright. Calm down. You don't need to get aggressive. All i'm saying is you should be more polite to others." Sadik said calmly. 

"No. Fuck you. I will act however I want to, so just fire me already so that I can leave-" 

"That's the thing. If you decide to act better, I will give you your job back. That's a fair deal, right? Plus, we're running low on staff, so you leaving would spell disaster for us" Sadik said with a smirk. 

Lovino thought for a couple moments. Would it even be worth it to deal with this stupid rule and his annoying boss? But then again, he didn't want to risk getting a job with lower pay...

"Fine, fine. Whatever. I'll accept your stupid offer." Lovino grunted. Regretting his decision already.  

"Great! You can begin again tomorrow. See you then." Sadik said as he stood up. Lovino doing the same. 

"Whatever. I'm leaving now." Lovino mumbled and walked towards the door. As he walked back outside and into the chilly atmosphere, he opened his phone to check the time. 

"1:30..." He mumbled to himself. Feeling the sudden need to take a walk, he decided to go to a nearby park. As Lovino walked leisurely, he let his mind wander, with the first thought regrettably drifting to Antonio and his perfect, curly hair that bounced anytime he moved. And his smooth skin- 'HELL NO. I. AM. NOT. GAY. That stupid bastard is anything BUT attractive. I will probably never see him again anyways' Lovino thought with a smirk. Not noticing that a figure was slowly creeping up to him. 

'Yeah, if I ever see him again, I will make sure to tell him how much of a stupid-' Lovino began to think before he was interrupted by someone placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"Boo!" The voice said into his hear.

"wHAT THE FUCK" Lovino said as he whipped around, raising his leg up to kick whoever decided to touch him. The figure caught his leg with their hand before he could make contact. 

"Woah woah! It's just me Lovi!" Noticing the Spanish accent, Lovino then knew it was Antonio. 

"FUCK YOU. YOU COULD'VE GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK-" Lovino screeched as he punched Antonio hard on the shoulder. 

"Ok ok, i'm sorry!" Antonio laughed as Lovino calmed down. They were both silent for a couple moments, Lovino glaring angrily at Antonio, and Antonio seemingly oblivious to it. 

"How did you find me anyways? Were you stalking me? I bet you were, you sick bastard." Lovino seethed through his teeth. 

"Haha, I wasn't. I was just taking a peaceful stroll to a park near here when I saw you!" Antonio said cheerfully. 

'Fuck. I don't want to socialize with people. I should just go home-' "Oh. I was heading there too-" 

"You were? We should go together! That's what friends do right?" Antonio grinned. 

"WE ARE NOT FRIENDS DAMMIT. Don't get cocky, you stupid bastard." Lovino said irritably. 

"Sooo, that's a yes?" 

"I don't fucking care. Do what you want." Lovino said as he began to walk once again. 

This was going to be hell. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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