Chapter 1

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Your POV

"Today is the dance competition...I will show them my passion at dance and I will give my all." ,you said to yourself.
You went there with your friend Mia.
"When will you dance?",she asked you
"I don't know...I think I am second."

The first girl finished her dance.

"Wow she was great",you thought ,"but now it's my turn.."

"(Y/N) FIGHTING!", Mia shouted
You smiled

You danced "How That Taste" by Kehlani

"Wow ,that was a great performance",the presenter said
You went to your sit.
"You were great!No,no FANTASTIC!" ,Mia said
"Thank you ! I tried my best.",you answered
The girl who danced first ,came to you.
"You think that you are going to win with this awful dance ?",she said
"Excuse me?",you said
"I will be the winner.Just remember my name . Jin-hi .",she said
She left.
"What's wrong with her?",Mia asked
"I don't know ..",you replied

When all the dancers finished ,the presenter said :
"Okay,you were all so great ! And I have good news for you!"
"The good news are that they are going to be... 2 winners!"
*applause again*
"First we are going to say the extra winner but I want a big applause for...GOT7!",said the presenter
"GOT7 is here?!" ,1st person said
"Omg !",2nd person said
"They are going to announce the winners." ,the presenter said
GOT7 went on stage.
"Annyeong-haseyo ",they said with a smile and bowed.
Mark took the microphone.
"Hello,I am Mark and now I'm going to tell you the second winner which is...Jin-hi!"
Jin-hi quickly went on stage and put a bitchy smile on her face.

"I'm so nervous.", you whispered to Mia
She tightly held your hand and said ," You are gonna make it !"

Now JB took the microphone.

" As you probably know ,we picked the winners and we liked very much all the performances that you guys showed us.. So the real winner of the tonight's dance contest is...(L/N)(Y/N)!"

"(Y/N) go to the stage! You are the winner!" ,Mia said

"What ? really?!I won!",you screamed

All the eyes were looking at you
You ran to the stage . You were EXTREMELY happy .
You bowed at GOT7 and smiled at them .
"So the winners are going to be part of the new video clip of GOT7!",the presenter said

The competition was over...
You were waiting with Jin-hi to meet GOT7 for more details...

"To be honest,",Jin-hi said , " I don't understand why you won."

You looked at her.

"Why not ?", you answered

"There were dancers that dances SO much better that you . Your dance was just , average . ", she said

"Well at least I danced better than you did , and that's how i got 1st place. Also , if my dance is average , then your dance was in a lower level . ", you crosses your arms and looked at the other way

"..Ha.. You know what? I don't like you . ", she said

You turned your head to face her and said " Well that's fine. I don't want bad people to like me . "

She sighed ,"Just shut up (L/N). "

I really don't understand her . I didn't do anything bad to her , whats her problem ?

GOT7 were walking at us.

"Hello girls..Shall we go to a cafeteria or something to tell you the details ?",Jackson asked

"Yes but can I go first to change my clothes at my house?",you asked shyly

"Yes of course ..You too Jin-ha",JB said

"It's Jin-hi and okay",she said


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