cuando el sufriendo parece durar siempre.

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countryside car rides and
granny tells me how rainy days marvel her but it
never ceases to amaze her how
god rips open the gray sky (the way you did me)
and feeds the earth (if pain were edible).
the ripping is a necessary part of growth (but i don't think so, i think i'm wilting),

when i was younger
i thought she was magic because
she can feel whenever the rain is approaching
every bone she's ever broken aches
and movement sets off fireworks below the skin, beneath the muscles.

if that's the case
i'm magic to the tenth power
because my heart,
buried deeper in me
than just bone,
can ache for weeks
before any drop of water kisses the soil.

girls like you are dangerous.
a taste of you is
caramel from the sword's blade,
dangled before the one damned with
an insatiable appetite, a fatal sweet tooth
..... and a streak of masochism
paired with one's own bloodlust

your tongue explored my mouth
and the second i let you deeper,
you left me alone in this room
and at night
the walls,
pregnant with stillborn moans,
give birth to my worst nightmares

(june '16 / september '18)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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