Chapter 2

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Jacob's pov
I was in shock, I did she give me her number. Ummm can you move people are trying to walk here. A lady said tapping my shoulder. Ohh sorry I said realizing that I was standing there longer than I thought. I went into chipotle, got my food and went home. Mom...I'm back, I said opening the front door and walking inside. Ohh good sweetie I don't know why you went to get chipotle when you could of eat the beautiful breakfast I prepared for the family. Mom the pancakes where black , i said laughing. Well your father liked them, isn't that right deer, she said looking down at my dad. Yes darling, my dad said giving her a fake smile. And look at me and mouthed No shaking his head when she wasn't looking. Ok ,I'm gonna head to my room mom I said walking upstairs laughing. I immediately went on my phone to text Hanna. (J-jacob H- Hanna
J-thanks for saving my life😊💙
I waited a couple minutes for her to text back.
H-no problem at all I mean , your fans would lose it if I didn't save you and I'm pretty sure I would lose it too😊💙
J-sooo your a fan😏
H-yeah , of course but I'm not a total fan girl tho🙄
J-yeah ....I can tell😊💙
H-wow you really love those emojis 😂
J-yeah they represent how I feel about you, I'm blushing when think about you and the blue heart represent your beautiful blue eyes😊💙
H- sooo you like me 😏
J-who wouldn't, your Amazing 😊💙
H-Thanks and your charming 😊💙 
J-hey do you want to come to a sleepover at my house tomorrow you can meet my friends 😊💙
H-sure and lets make"😊💙" our thing 😊💙
J-definitely bye see you tomorrow Ohhh and I almost forgot pack a swim suit and it's at 3:00 😊💙
H-I'll be there😊 💙

Hanna's pov
OMG, Jacob Sartorius likes me and he called me Amazing and he loves my eyes and the way I Smi- wait Hanna calm down you can't be like this tomorrow at the sleepover, you have meet his friends. This is gonna be so Awsome I can't wait for tomorrow. I got out of my bed and headed down stairs. Mom I'm going to my spot in the park . Ok sweetie, she replied back.
I headed out the door in the best mood I could possibly be in . 3 minutes later I arrived at my spot . I climbed my secret treehouse and I got my paint set out and yes I paint . I looked out the window for something to paint and I saw Jacob walking in the park. "Jacob", I yelled out the window. He looked to see who was calling him. Then he finally squinted his eyes to see me though my tree house window close my the woods. He had a smile on his face and started running towards the treehouse. And omg get ran so sexy all I could do was stare at him. He finally arrived and started to climb inside. Hey Jacob . Hey Hanna , he replied back. Is this place your he said looking around at my treehouse this is how it looks⬇️

Yeah it's my treehouse me and my dad built it before he left us , I was only 8 years old

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Yeah it's my treehouse me and my dad built it before he left us , I was only 8 years old. Awww I'm so sorry Jacob said hugging me. He send shivers down my spine and he smelt so good but he wasn't even wherein body spray. But I hugged back. It's ok I go to this place to relax or to Think . Cool, Jacob replied. I looked into Jacob's eyes and he was looking into mine to. He was so beautiful,I could say like this forever. Hey Hanna tell me something about you Jacob's said getting of of his knees and sat on the small small bean bag and patting a seat on his laps. No way Jacob I just met you. It's ok Hanna I wouldn't try anything were just friends he said with a slight smile . But Jacob all my thighs are showing from my skirt and that would fell weird to me. It's Ok Hanna you can trust me, he said . Fine I sat down on his lap . It felt so good , I had butterflies all in my stomach. Soo tell me about yourself Jacob said with a simple smile . Ok well my name is Hanna White , I'm 14 years old , my favorite color is pacific blue I love to paint, I want to be an artist when I grow up I'm actually really enjoying sitting on your lap right now. I said wiggling closer to Jacob and putting my head on his chest. You just can't get any cuter can you ?Jacob said . Um idk . Tell me about you I said. Ok  Jacob replied getting more comfortable and laying back so that I was laying on him. Jacob, you sneaky little fox, I said getting more comfortable and laying on top of Jacob. Yes, he replied in a cute voice. You think your so smooth don't you. A matter of fact I do, look like my plan is working, Jacob said in a cute voice. I rolled my eyes and layed down flat on Jacob. Looks like your enjoying this , he said . Yes I am I already told you that. Ohh yeah. Lift my head up to look up at Jacob
but he was already looking at, then we made eye contact.....cliffhanger 😏😂
Thanks for reading beautiful people 😊💙

Life Saver/ A Jacob Sartorius fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now