K i s s M e

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. G a b e / B a i l e y .

"You should just kiss me"

Gabe looks at me with a wide smile, from his place on my bed. It's not cocky, just playful.

"Why would I do that?" I ask with genuine curiosity. Gabe and I have know each other for a few years. We used to compete against each other and one day he came up to me and asked if I wanted to get pretzels with him. I was bit cautious at first, because I've heard horror stories of people trying to eliminate competitors. So, of course, when he asked me I glared at him and said as threatening as a nine year old girl could, "Don't you dare poison me Gabe Deguzman. I'll bite you"

He, of course, laughed at me and walked away, disappearing for an hour and coming back with two pretzels that he cut into pieces in front of me and mixed together in a bowl. I watched him eat it for a while, but when he tried to feed me, I decided I would take the chance and join him. Afterwards, I offered him some money to pay for the pretzel but he just tapped his cheek and said "I only take payments in the form of smooches"

To which I laughed and walked away.

And that's started how our life long friendship started.

"Because Bailey," he says matter of factly, "we're soulmates and I've already waited like seven years"

He looks at his phone quickly then back at me.

"Seven years and four days to be exact."

I roll my eyes and ignore him. Now, he's just being ridiculous. How would he know what day he started waiting to kiss me.

"That's the day I first asked you on a date," he says causally, rolling onto his back and keeping eye contact.

"You've never asked me on a date Gabe," I sigh and he sits up quickly, looking offended.

"I ask you on dates all the time Bailey. We go on dates like weekly"

I look at him, confused, and he stares back at me steadily.

"So you're telling me," I start.

"Yes," he answers before I can finish, "They have all been dates. Our first date was when I brought you pretzels and you didn't kiss me."

I feel my face heat up and my jaw drop. He thought all of those were dates? I thought he just wanted to hang out with me, so of course I always say yes. I turn away from him, too embarrassed to look at him. Them being dates, would explain why it was always the two of us and why he always wanted to hold my hand  and walk me to my door and-

I turn back around and suddenly he's standing right in front of me. He looking down at me curiously like he's trying to figure out what's going on in my mind.

"Gabe," I say finally, "we've been dating for seven years?"

He looks at me and smiles widely again. This time, a genuine smile, like I just told him I was giving him everything he wanted for Christmas. He hands come up to cup my face and he looks me in the eye, pulling me forward to press a quick kiss to my lips. It's a hard pressure for just a second then he's gone, looking me straight in my eyes again.

"Yes, we have."

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