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The fastest way out was the window. I lifted myself out the window and walked into the forest, to the old 'hang out'. It was a medium sized tree fort, about the size of a classroom, I climbed up the old rope ladder that leads to a small door. As I climbed up I heard a twig break. That must be her.

"Alex? Is that you?"I asked out loud. No response. I slowly climbed down and walked quietly to where I heard the noise. There was nothing there, after waiting a moment, I heard a couple whimpers coming from a couple yards away. I cautiously walked over to see behind the thicket.

I saw two wolves, both male, one was black with patches of white and had yellowish eyes ,the other had white and gray patches but I couldn't see the eyes. They were battling it out, the white and gray one had blood gushing out of its left, front leg. The bite was deep. I stepped closer to see what wounds the wolf had.

CRACK! They both looked at me with fear, then let out a booming howl. They both ran away but the grayish white one fell to the ground due to the loss of blood. I slowly approached the wounded wolf. He whimpered as I came closer to him.

"It's ok, boy." I cooed as I slowly sat beside him, I held out my hand for him to smell. He lifted his head and looked at me. His tail slowly wagged back and forth. I reached out to pet his head. After a couple of strokes, I tried to get a better look at his leg. He needed to be medically taken care of otherwise he might die.

"Ok, boy I need to get you cleaned up?" Ripping a piece off of the bottom of my dress, I wrapped the cloth around his left leg.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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