Jungkook: Miss You

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It was Monday, 5:00 am, waking up bright and early you get your clothes packed today was the day you would be able to visit your long distance boyfriend, Jungkook. A wide smile creeps on your face as you say goodbye to your parents and make your way to your car, entering you see the last postcard he sent it was from Seoul. 'Y/N you'll be visiting soon and I'm excited to see you! Be safe on the way here and make sure to eat and sleep properly! ~Jungkookie.' Rereading it gave you the butterflies, you couldn't waste anymore time and headed to the airport locking your car and texting your parents that you made it safely, you gather your luggage and head in. It was busy and crowded you could barely make your way past all the bustling people. After managing to make it you buy your ticket and wait until you could board the plane. It was your first time going on a plane and you were a bit nervous, you decide to call Jungkook to let him know you were leaving.


*"Jungkookie I'm about to board the plane, I'm a little nervous but I'll text you when I land okay?"

*"Y/N be safe and get some rest I miss you and I'll see you soon!"

*"I miss you too."

Hanging up you feel relieved and take a deep breath before boarding the plane, you couldn't wait to see Jungkook. Entering you put your luggage up and sit down in your seat a nice old lady sits by you and you start to relax. You grab your iPod out of your pocket and listen to your playlist before drifting off to sleep.

-Some time later-

You're awoken by someone tapping your shoulder "Miss you must get up we have landed" You slowly open your eyes and nod, noticing that everyone has already left the plane. "Ahh I am very sorry!" your face flushes and you hurriedly gather your things and leave. "Well that was a bit embarrassing." heading towards the gate you check your phone and text Jungkook that you landed safely.

*"Kookie I landed safely."

*"I can't wait to see you Y/N I will meet you there soon!"

Your heart flutters as you read the text you were excited! Hearing your tummy grumbling and holding your stomach, you realize you didn't eat much of anything and now you were starving. Not being familiar to Seoul would make it difficult to find a place to eat, 'Maybe i'll just check down the street and see if there is anything!' Gathering your things you head off with a smile on your face. You notice a small convenience store and decide to grab some snacks. After examining the shelves you decide to get (favorite ice cream), it was quite warm so eating ice cream was a good idea. As you exit the store your phone starts to ring, jungkook's caller ID pops up and you answer it ecstatic. 

* "Y/N where are you I can't see you?"

* "Aish i'm sorry I walked off to get ice cream" you answer jungkook. 

*" I know you did pabo! Turn around!"

As you turn you see jungkook running down the street towards you. Filled with excitement you drop your bags and hold your hands out waiting to embrace him in a hug. "Y/N!" He yells as he picks you up and twirls you around. " Kookie I'm wearing a skirt!" Your face flushes slightly as he instead hugs you tightly. You wrap your arms around him and look into his eyes. " Saranghae jungkook." "Jaji have I ever told you how much you make me happy?" Before you can answer he swipes down and gives you a sweet kiss. You feel as if you could melt into the soft, luscious lips that he had.

As you guys pull away you hear whistles come from behind, " our maknae has moves!" J-hope hoots at you guys. You blush slightly and pick up the bags you dropped, jungkook helps too. "Hyung  you only wish you had a girlfriend as pretty as mine!" They continue to bicker and you realized how much you missed him, he could always make you happy. Jungkook notices you stare off " Jaji! C'mon let's get some delicious noodles!" You snap out of it and agree. Walking hand in hand you head to a noodle place with him and the rest of Bts " Y/N I really missed you and Iove you"


Yes I know these updates are slow as all hell but I'm trying my best and I promise I will bring some quality context to the table!

Thank you guys though if you have stayed to read this it means a lot😘

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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