Gumdrop's Secert

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    Peanut was your average super hero but she wasn't born that way. It all started when she met a cool girl named.....Well Peanut never knew her real name so she called her Gumdrop. They quickly became good friends talking alot.
    One day Gumdrop asks "can you keep a secret?" Peanut widen her eyes and nodded her head excited to hear her secert.
"I'm a superhero" Gumdrop whispered
"What?!?!" Peanut asked obviously not believing her. Superheros only exist in comic books and movies right? There's no way she is being serious oh yeah that's it she is joking. She has to be!
     Peanut was so deep in thought that she hadn't notice when Gumdrop left the room. "Gumdrop" Peanut yelled. Where did she go?
      Just then she walked into the room wearing a no lie super hero costume. She had tight leggings on and a puffy jacket that looked twice as big as her not to mention the whole outfit was pink. Peanut had to admit she looked adorable and kinda like a gumdrop.
"Hahahhah you look like a gumdrop" Peanut said laughing and teasing her. "Stop laughing that's the point I'm the Gumdrop" Pouted Gumdrop while crossing her arms and blushing suddenly very self conscious.
       "Sorry I just don't get it I mean what's your super power?" Peanut apologized. " I'll show you!" a huge smile glued to her face she was now excited.


      They were now in a dark alley way it smelled and gave Peanut the creeps. "What are we doing here??!?" Peanut asked getting impatient. "Shhhh!!!! They're coming" Gumdrop wishper yelled putting a finger to Peanut's mouth shutting her up instantly.
       At that moment two buff, tattooed, scary looking, guys walked into the alley. They seemed to be holding a big flat screen T.V. with stupid smiles on their faces. "I can't believe we got a way with this" the man on the left laughed motioning to the T.V. "They must have stolen it" Peanut thought.
      Before Peanut had a chance to stop her Gumdrop hopped up and said "stop right there bad guys!" Peanut face palmed at how dumb Gumdrop looked and sounded. When she looked up though she saw Gumdrop jumping high into the air while shooting gumdrops into the mouths of the criminals. They're eyes widen as they went into a sugar high. It was a gross sight to see especially because of how gross gumdrops are to begin with. The men soon passed out both filled to the brim with gumdrops. Gumdrop lowered down with a smirk on her face proud of her recent acts. Peanut was amazed and kinda grossed out. "So you shoot gumdrops at people and force them in to a sugar high?!?!" Peanut asked flabbergasted at the idea of it. "Excatly!" Gumdrop stated her face still gleaming.
    The cops soon came up and didn't become horrified by the sight in front of them like Peanut. No, they just smiled and said "Thank you Gumdrop! You saved the day once again."
      While walking back home Gumdrop asked " you believe me now?" Peanut just nodded replying all that had just happened in her head. "Then you're ready" Gumdrop stated. "Ready for what?" Peanut asked now quiet suspicious.
"Peanut you are ready to become a superhero!!!" Gumdrop yelled jumping up and down.

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