
13 3 3

It was 6:30 AM when my alarm went off, you may wonder "Adeline what in the hell are you doing up at 6:30 in the morning during summer vacation?!"

Well I'm going for a run, I know know it sucks but I don't do every day. I got up, changed into my work out clothes, brushed my teeth and was out of the door.

I wanted a fresh start today, hell I might even make breakfast for everyone!

About an hour later I got back and took a shower. My outfit was casual, it consisted of light denim ripped jeans, a grey flowy V neck, and my black ankle boots.

I applied some makeup and made my way down stairs. I made some pancakes, bacon, eggs, and started up the hot water for coffee.

It was so quite, I was so used to Sophie rambling on about her new boyfriend Jae and Oceans new car.

Yea time to change that, once I served each plate I made my way up stairs.


"NOOO stop get out!" She yelled back

"I made food,"

"Ok I'm up I'm up," she got up and headed down stairs.

When I got to Oceans room I saw that she was already showered and ready, she normally doesn't wake up this early it's 8:30. But she's usually one of the first ones to get up in the morning.

"Morning girly made some breakfast." I said

"K I'll be down there in a few." I nodded and went to the kitchen.

Sophie was already eating and I joined her, and Ocean came a few min later.

Once we were done we waited for Sophie to get ready and leave to go shopping for tomorrow night.

We where out the door by 10, and stopped at Starbucks. We all knew the type of style we wanted so it wasn't hard trying to find it.

I ended up with a daisy dress and some accessories, Sophia with leather shorts, white shirt, and light denim jacket, and Ocean with a grey dress and light denim jacket.

Once we where done it was 3 and we where hungry so we went home and the lovely Sophie cooked us some Chinese food.

We where all tired but where talking about the party and what was gonna go down. We where all excited and nervous about tomorrow night.

"Guys Jae just texted me and he is gonna bring some friends," she said

"there pretty cute Adeline who knows maybe u will get to know one." She know had a full smirk in her face.

"I don't know, u know me I'm more of a  study before buddies and fries before guys." I said

"I know but u even said u wanted to let loose a bit and maybe a boy is what u need, a bad boy."

"I don't know about that,"

"Ok, whatever u say,"

"Guys I'm really tired I think I'm just gonna hit the hay," I said while yawning

"Ya me to," Ocean said

"Ok well goodnight guys see u tomorrow," Sophie said

We all said our goodnights and went to our bedrooms.

I went to the restroom and did my jazz and went to bed, thinking about tomorrow.

~10 AM

I woke up with the sun hitting my face, I groaned and got up. Today was going to be a hell of a long day.

The party starts at 8-9 ish so we had time to do whatever we needed to do left.

I went to the restroom did my jazz and went downstairs. I saw the girls up and cooking breakfast, I grabbed a mug a made myself some coffee.

"I can't believe the party is today I'm so nervous and excited!" Ocean said

"Ya I know it's gonna be lit!" Sophia added

I just nodded, I woke with a headache so I didn't talk much through out breakfast.

"Alright ladies lets start getting everything ready, the house is clean so all we need to do is blow more floaties, and then fix the back yard a bit more." Sophie said and we all nodded and got to work.

Once we where done with the whole house we made our way upstairs to my room. We all agreed to lock our rooms and the important rooms.

"Ok it's 5 right now that gives us enough to time to get ready," I said while getting my clothes ready.

"Ok girls I'm gonna go take a quick shower," I said and they all went to there room to also do so.

An hour later we where back in my room. I wanted to started on my hair first so I blow dried it and fixed it in a braid crown thing.

Ocean was starting off with her makeup while Sophie was also putting make up on.

I then did my makeup and didn't want to do to much with it. I looked at the girls and saw that there hair and makeup were ready.

"Damn y'all look hot," I said

"U to girly," Ocean added

We where finally done and but now it was 8 and I was nervous. What if no one came?

Then we herd the doorbell ring.

"It's Jae he said he was out side with a couple of friends!" Sophie said while hurrying to go get the door.

It's now or never.


Hey guys so I hope u liked the chapter! Sorry for all the spelling errors or grammar mistakes:/ sorry for leaving it in a cliffhanger. I will update soon so stay tuned! If any of u guys for a chance get somewhat confused for this but Sophie and Sophia are the same person, it's just a little nickname. I'm sorry for making this chapter really short, see u soon!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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