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"Aphmau~Senpai, can you help Kawaii~Chan finish her cookies?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

"Of course!" Aphmau replied. "But I invited Zane to come over later, so I might not be able to help long."

"It's okay!" Kawaii~Chan said. "Kawaii~Chan is almost done with them anyways. She can finish them herself."

"Okay," Aphmau said.

"Aphmau~Senpai can help Kawaii~Chan by laying the cookie dough on the pan," Kawaii~Chan told Aphmau. "Then, put them in the oven."

Aphmau put all of the cookie dough on the pan, as Kawaii~Chan told her to, and then put it in the oven. Before they knew it, they were waiting for them to bake.

"Kawaii~Chan is going to update her shrine in the basement," Kawaii~Chan said, smiling.

"Okay," Aphmau tried to smile, too.

Kawaii~Chan went down the stairs into the basement to her shipping shrine.

Back upstairs, there was a knock on the door.

"Oh! That must be Zane," Aphmau said to herself.

She went to the door and opened it.

"Hi, Zane!" Aphmau said with a smile.

"Hello, Aphmau," Zane never knew a proper greeting.

"Come on in," Aphmau gestured to the inside of the house.

Zane walked in and him and Aphmau both went upstairs to play with da

Later. . .

"So tell me, what's so great about Pinky Cake?" Aphmau asked, sounding angry.

"I don't know, but I do know that she's better than Flarety!" Zane said.

"How can you say that?" Aphmau gasped. "Flarety is way better than Pinky Cake."

"But what you don't understand is that Pinky Cake in truly the best of all of the My Little Horsies!" Zane exclaimed.

"Is not," Aphmau said.

"Is to," Zane argued.

Anyways, the argument went on for a little longer, until Kawaii~Chan called Aphmau downstairs.

"Aphmau~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan called. "We're all out of frosting and sprinkles for the cookies! And Kawaii~Chan needs help with the cookies, too!"

"Okay! Hold on!" Aphmau walked to her bedroom door.

"Where are you going?" Zane asked.

"I need to go to the store to get Kawaii~Chan her frosting and sprinkles," Aphmau answered. "I don't understand why she didn't get them before she went to bake the cookies, but I need to get them"

"So your just gonna leave me here?" Zane said.

"Yeah, your gonna help Kawaii~Chan with her cookies," Aphmau said.

"What?" Zane exclaimed.

"Okay, bye!" Aphmau said and rushed out the door.

Zane went downstairs to talk to Kawaii~Chan and help her with the cookies.

He walked into the walkway of the kitchen.

"Umm, hi Kawaii~Chan," Zane greeted her. "Aphmau told me I had to help you with your cookies."

"Hi, Zane~Kun," Kawaii~Chan said with a smile. "It would really be a big help if he could!"

"Okay," Zane nodded. "So, what do you want me to do?"

"Zane~Kun can start by mixing the second batch of cookies," Kawaii~Chan said.

"Well, how many batches are there?" Zane asked.

"As many as Kawaii~Chan can make in a day," Kawaii~Chan answered.

Zane's mouth almost dropped to the floor. How many batches of cookies is that? Geez...

The oven in the kitchen made a little dinging noise.

"The cookies are ready!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed. "Zane~Kun, can he clear a space for Kawaii~Chan to put the cookies down on the counter?"

"Okay," Zane said.

He didn't know quite where to clear it off, so he just chose a part of the counter.

Kawaii~Chan reached into the oven (Of course with her ovenmits on) and took the cookies out of the oven. She tried to walk carefully with the pan, but ended up tripping over her own feet.

The cookies flew into the air. Kawaii~Chan lost her balance and landed right on top on Zane.

There was silence between them and blushing faces.

"Zane~Kun?" Kawaii~Chan said.

"Yes?" Zane said.

"Is he okay?" Kawaii~Chan asked.

"It would be nice for you to ask that question after you got off of me," Zane actually grinned.

"Oops! Sorry," Kawaii~Chan said, as she did get off of Zane.

"What's going on?" Aphmau was standing there in the walkway. "And why is there cookies all over the floor?"

Zane and Kawaii~Chan both blushed again. They both didn't want to tell Aphmau. What exactly happened?

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