The beginning

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So let's start this story by telling you a little about myself.My names Nina, I'm 15 years old.I have black hair that goes to the middle of my back.I have tanned skin.I live with my mom and dad, and my annoying little sister Haley.We live in a small place, but it's what we call home!I have 2 good friends at school Madison and Leslie.And of course every good story needs a villain, right?Her name is Olivia, head cheerleader, most popular girl in school, and the girl who ruins my life.But I don't let her get to me, I'm tough enough to stand up for myself.Well I think that's everything you need to know!Oh and don't worry you'll find out more!Alright it all started

Friday morning.I woke up in my small room which I share with Haley.She was still asleep so I tip toed to her bed and screamed.

"JOHNNY RUN!!!"She Jolted up and screamed.I was dying of laughter."You should've seen your face!"I said between laughs

"You're so mean!I was having a dream about Johnny!"she pouted.

"Well sorry he's dead!"I yelled sticking my tongue out at her and running with her chasing me.

"I'll get you Nina!You can't talk about Johnny like that a live!"She yelled still chasing me.I turned around making her bump into me and fall down and start crying.

"Cmon Haley, don't cry.You didn't break anything right?"I asked.She shook her head to say no."So you're fine, stop being a baby!"I said as I walked to the kitchen."hey mom!Hiya dad."I smiled.

"Hey Nina, oh schools canceled today cuz of the snow."my mom said looking away from her food.

"Sweet!"I said as I served myself bacon and eggs.I say at the table next to Haley who was looking at pictures of Johnny cade on her iPad."no electronics on the table!Right mom?"I said

"She's five just let her do it"mom said.Haley stuck here tongue out at me and said "haha!"

"Mom that's so unfair!I can never use my phone at the table!?So she's five it's still not fair!"I yelled

"Don't yell at your mother Nina."my dad said calmly while reading the newspaper.

"Ugh, whatever I'm not hungry I'll be in my room if you ever need me."I said as I walked to my room.

I was listening to music when the door burst open and Haley was screaming.

"LOOK NINA,mom bought me a giant poster of Johnny Cade!And she bought me one of the whole gang!"she said as mom brought in the photos.

"Great, you can hang them in the closet so I don't have to see!"I said sarcastically.

"No Nina they will be up on the wall so you both can see them."mom says as she puts them up.

"You see this is not fair this isn't just her room, it's also mine!And why do you want a picture of a fricken dead guy in here!You need to grow up Haley!There not real!there just a bunch of characters in a book!"I yelled.

"NINA!"my mom yelled.Haley started crying and ran out of the room."Nina that's it I'm tired of you telling her these things!Shes just a little girl-"I cut her off

"Yea, well so am I!Just leave me alone!"I yelled

"Stay in here I don't want you making Haley cry again!"she yelled as she slammed my door closed.

"Good!I don't wanna see any of you!"I yell.

I started crying, but quickly wiped my tears away.No one makes me cry.I was so angry, I grabbed my bag with my phone and climbed out my window.It was so cold.I had a big jacket on but I was still a little cold.I kept walking farther from my house, until something was thrown at my back.I turned around and saw no one, but I looked down and saw that stupid book!The outsiders.I picked it up.

"What's so good about this story anyway!?"I yelled as I opened it, a bright light shined in my face and I woke up in an unfamiliar place.I was in a drive in.But it was bright daylight.Wheres the snow?Where am I?

He's just a character in a book!(Johnny cade love story)Where stories live. Discover now