Girl In Brooklyn (Jemi Oneshot)

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Joe Jonas, a man of merely twenty-one years, had his guitar case in hand and was hurriedly making his way to the stop. He had a gig in Manhattan in two days. The cold chill of snow nibbled at his cheeks. He walked to the bus stop and made his way to the bench when he saw a woman. She appeared to be just a bit younger than him. In dark skinny jeans, red nikes and a leather coat keeping her warm. She was holding an iPod in her hand. As he got closer, he could see a gold necklace on her neck and just a small part of her golden-colored top. He sat down, not too close to her. She had long, straight, brown-blonde hair and her makeup was light -- at least from what Joe could see from the side view. In his eyes, she was perfect. The girl looked at him, then his case. "You play?" she asked. Her voice was sweet satin.

He nodded. "Yeah, I have a gig I'm getting to, actually."

"That's great, are you planning to be a famous artist one day?"

"Fate will hopefully bring me there," he said with a slight smile. "What are you listening to?"

"Oh, just some hip hop," she said blushing a little. "I listen to all kinds of music, actually."

"Do you sing?" he asked her.

"A little, but I'm not very good," she admitted.

He nudged her. "Sing something for me?"

She laughed flawlessly. "No, thank you."

"Please?" he asked innocently.

The girl sighed, giving in. "Fine," she paused for a moment, thinking of something. "I don't mind spending every day our on your corner in the pouring rain. Look for the boy with the broken smile, ask him if he wants to stay a while, and he will be loved. He will be loved." She blushed as he looked intently at her.

"Wow, that was amazing. How old are you?" He said shocked.

"Not really, I'm eighteen, you? It's your turned," she said, looking at him.

"I'm twenty-one." He looked at her a moment before singing, "If heaven and hell decide that they're both satisfied, illuminate the no's on the vacancy signs. If there's no one beside you, when your sole embarks, then I will follow you into the dark."

"Wow, you're definitely gonna be famous one day," she told him, smiling.

He shrugged. "I guess." The two started talking, as if they were old friends. Neither of them had done that with a stranger before; just talk like it was nothing. A bus arrived too soon, and she stood. "Where are you off too?" he asked.

"Brooklyn, I think I'm gonna stay there for a few years." She smiled and hopped onto the bus.

"Wait!" he called, but it was too late. He muttered to himself, "What's your name?"

Three years later, Joe Jonas was now an internationally famous musician. Right after he got to Manhattan, he started writing a song. It took less than twenty minutes to write, which was the quickest he'd done. He didn't release it, not yet. Then just a few months ago, he decided to record it as a new single, but changed some words. He was now on tour. He was going to Brooklyn in just four days. He always thought of the girl, no matter where he went. He thought about her voice when she sang, it was the voice of an angel. He hoped she heard his message in his song; that it was for her. He hoped she was there in the audience when he went to Brooklyn.

Demi walked around in her condo, which she was sharing with her best friend. The radio was on as Demi painted. "This next one is from Joe Jonas, which we're selling tickets to his concert! He's coming in three days!" the announcer said. Demi had heard about Joe Jonas, he even looked a little familiar, and she felt something whenever she saw or heard about him. Demi couldn't explain what it was. The thing is, she remembers she was talking to someone unforgettable before she left for Brooklyn three years ago, but then she got a concussion a few weeks later, and she forgot how he looked and how he sounded. She just knew he was special. "She was covered in leather and gold," his voice rang. "Twenty-one years old, I lost her in the cold. It's unfair, she's out there, somewhere, somewhere, somewhere in Brooklyn" Demi looked up from the painting and frowned. Something about the sound of his voice...something about the words. "Little Miss Perfect sitting at the train stop, red nike high tops, listening to hip hop. While we were waiting, started conversation, before I got her name, along game a train..." Train? No, she didn't know about a train, but she did know about a bus station. "Next stop Brooklyn." Demi bit her lip in concentration. She knew she was at a bus station on the way to Brooklyn. She had a fuzzy memory, but it was becoming clearer as she heard the song. "On the street kicking rocks, circling the same block; green farm Flatbush, asking every corner shop," Demi concentrated as the memory became clearer. The man at the bus was Joe Jonas. She remembered the conversation, when she sang; when he did, the way they talked as if they knew each other their whole lives, how she left before he caught her name -- everything.

Girl In Brooklyn (Jemi Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now