Chapter 4. Bermudaaaaaa. Take a tunnel to Bermudaaaa

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Hey, sooo, my niece is over and she's watching Nick Jr. Dear lord help me...

I'm not religious. Pfft, that stuff is silly. Team science.


now that, that is out of the way, we can continue onto the story.


Jyson's POV

I watched a couple of people from the alley, laughing when they crashed into the pole. They had rolled down the hill in a shopping cart, filming everything and not watching where they were going.

I saw a fluff ball shimmer in the air then disappear.

"Ah, knew the bugger came here." I said, chuckling. "Wonder what happened over there" I muttered under my breath slipping into a doorway and into the one by where I thought the crash happened.

I slid out of the doorway and into the empty plaza, which wasn't very big, about as big a large school room.

A grey and white animal was shuffling around the plaza walls and placing things on the ground. Was that the Easter Bunny? Oh, shit I forgot it's Easter.

I quietly backed into the doorway. My foot was almost in the doorway when I stepped onto a soda can, and it stabbed my foot. I let out a loud ''Argh! Ouch! You stupid little can! I swear I'll-!" I stopped when I realized I gained the attention of the large rabbit. I was threatening a soda can. I've hit a new low.

"Oh-ouch" I pulled the can off my foot and continued. "I better go now...Well...Adios...." I quickly turned and fled into the doorway, a large hand-or paw- latching onto my chain almost tugging it off as I made the doorway a tunnel.

It ended in the one place I almost never went, yet loved.

The Bermuda Triangle. Or should I say, the Wild headquarters. The only place I never get bothered because of all the rumors. There's no way here, unless you use one of my tunnels, which is near to impossible.

Speaking of near to impossible....

"What are you doing in my home? And holding onto my belt?"I asked accusingly to the rabbit.

"Uh-What's this place? It's amazing!" The rabbit admired, I smirked, I'd made it how I wanted.

A large waterfall ran sideways through out the entire island, and a large puff laid atop a rock, sun bathing.

Doorways and tunnels lead everywhere, and puffs were swarming in and out. I blew into my whistle and ushered the puffs into there respective corners of the island -and world- and pulled my chain out of the still stunned rabbits hands.

"Ever hear it's rude to stare, mate?" I called behind me trying to push the large puff off the rock and back into it's nest.

"What's that?"He asked, pointing to the puff-Umberto.

"Umberto, the literal mother of all puffs. Yes, a girl puff has a boy name. Piss off."I remarked rudely, and tried to push her up.

"Ah, come on now, girl."I huffed and tried again, I sighed in defeat when I realised I couldn't push the puff and huffed.

"Who are you?"I huffed out, put of breath.

"E. Aster Bunnymund. Or Bunny as my friends call me." He said, proud of himself like it was an honour.

"Well, I'm Jyson Roo, or add my friends call me- Jyson Roo. Why did you follow me?You do see me following people around."I knew very well I did follow the noise, but he didn't need to know that. Right?

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