My name is maddy my friends name is madison. We go to school togather we are best friends.But one day in the hall Madison was sick and i was in the hallway and someone puched me and slamed me aganst the locker i screamed at the top of my lungs.And someone named Niall Horan saved me.Then Niall and me became friends.Madison got hit by a car.Then me and Niall went out to check on Madison and when we looked outside she was dead.Niall and i became boyfriend and girlfriend.
Then me and Niall got on a plane and went to Myrtle Beach(south carolina) .When Niall and I got off the plane we shared a smoothie with two straws.Then we got married.(We are 20) And we lived in South Carolina.And we sold our old house and we're going to go to our new house tomarrow.We live in a mansion and we had a buttler named Zouse.The next day I started cooking school and someone pushed me on the floor,dumped cake batter on me.Niall saved me two hours later...AGAIN!!!♥♥♥
The next day I went back to cooking school and he pushed me again and sliced my hand open and then he got kicked out of cooking school.When me and Niall got home we drank a cup of Mtn Dew and enjoyed it.i had to go to the hospital after i got sliced open. The next day, I went to a job interview and someone tried to kick me in the shins. I was at an interview to become an actress and it was a fake interview.
When I got home I told Niall everything. Then we shared another smoothie. We watched Twilight and werewolf movies and soon fell asleep on the couch. The next day we got robbed. All our money was gone, our electronics were gone.. ALL OF THAT WAS GONE!!,! but we luckly we had a secret stash of money hid. We also have some IPods and all of that hidden.