Extended Blurb

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No one spoke on the 02:17 bus. It was filled with a questioning silence, windows framing the scene of the inky black sky and missing stars. It furnished mix matched coloured seats and slightly moth bitten curtains, sounds of tired sighs and hooded eyes. It held a temperature cold enough to let free a shiver but warm enough to not wear the jacket your mother had coincidently left in your bag. It was also home to a rather comfy two-seater which was usually occupied by the boy with the philosophical mind and the girl with the tear stained cheeks.
No one spoke on the 02:17 bus, well no one except for them.

|Author's Note|
Hello beautiful souls!! I am honestly so excited to start writing this story, and I hope you guys are looking forward to it too. Thank you so much for even checking out this story, it means the world. Do leave a comment, I would honestly love to hear what you guys think, votes would be nice too 🌚💓You lot are the loveliest. So I guess that's a wrap, once again thanks so much for checking this book out and I hope you guys like it and I'll see you all in the next chapter 😉

~Aizda 💕

Don't steal my work loves, thanks x

|Questions & Sneak Peaks|

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Passengers of 02:17 Where stories live. Discover now