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| calm down |


I shut my phone off.

What the hell have I done to Yeong..

I placed my head in my hands and looked down at my desk. Then, something that never usually happens happened.. Tears started to trail down onto my desk. I've never cried so much. The last time I cried this much was when my parents wished me a happy birthday after being in America for two years and leaving me in Korea to stay with my friend, Jin.

Hoseok, why would you say that to her? That was a lie. So what if Taehyung and Yeong like each other? It doesn't mean you have to create a lie about Taehyung to get Yeong back. Besides.. You never even had her...

I wiped the remaining tears from my cheeks. I could hear a knock on my bedroom door.


"Hoseok? Are you okay?" I heard him ask. "N-no.. Jin hyung.. I'm not." I sniffled. I looked back from my desk and saw Jin had already been prepared with a tissue box.

He walked towards me and placed the tissue box on my desk in front of me. He placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me a warm look.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked.



I shut off my phone off.

Why are you worrying about if Hobi is okay? You like Taehyung, you should be happy that he kissed you. But, why am I hurting so much?

I asked myself too many times to count. I just remember the things Hobi had sent me. How much do I really mean to him? Can I really cause that much harm to one guy?

I heard a buzz from my phone. I looked down at it and realised I had gotten a notification from the texting app I used to message Hobi. And there.

6 new unread messages from Unknown.

I didn't want to see what he had sent. But, I was also curious. I opened the drawer in my desk and placed my phone into it. Hoping that I would be able to ignore any other messages that asshole would send me. But, then again. I've been talking to a stranger. A stranger who apparently knows me, goes to the same school as me, and likes me. And all I know is that he goes by Hobi.

I decided to stop thinking so much about the bullshit that has happened. I stood up and walked out of my room. I walked into my bathroom and locked the door.

I turned on the warm water and the bathtub slowly started to fill. I just needed to calm down. I looked at the cabinets that were under the sink. I searched around and found what I had looked for. Some bath rose petals that my mom had kept for me in case I was feeling tense and stressed. The container in which they were in was only half full. I've used some of it before. Or usually to prepare the day before stressful and serious tests we had.

I walked back to the bath, with a handful of rose petals in my hand. I threw the petals into the bath. I took off my clothes and sat in the bath.

The warm water and the rose fragrance made me feel a lot more calmer.

Once I had finished my bath, I dried myself and wrapped the towel around my body. I walked out of the bathroom and into my bedroom.

I found some new pajamas to wear and put them on. I placed the towel on my desk chair and laid on my bed.

I heard buzzing coming from my drawer and I sighed annoyingly. That bastard is spamming the fuck out of my phone, isn't he?

I was done with it. I stood back up and walked to my desk to grab my phone. But when I looked at my screen, I was surprised to see that it wasn't Hobi texting me.

1 new unread message from PinkPrincessJinnie.

But, it was Jin.


[a/n] ayo wanna join the lonely whales squad? just kik me: evildongsaeng

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