The Souls

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I walked with athority threw the burning halls of hell. I had the big black doors leading to Belloway's room locked in sight. Once I got close to the doors I raised my hands and the doors swung open, quickly. I walked in to see Belloway's back to me, His shaggy blond hair clashed with the fire in the room. "Assyla...nice to see you." he turned around and I glared into the eyes of satan. "Hello Belloway! I heard you wanted" I said as i aproached him with a slight hint of seduction in my voice. He smiled as he ran his fingers threw my long black hair. "As smooth as silk..." He said looking at my hair. "Anyways Love, I have a suprise for you." He said with an evil grin. "Yes?" I said as excited as a little kid on christmas...eww. "I have captured one of the all mighty Gods favorite angels...Detrik. Not only that! I am alowing you to be in charge... Of him" Belloway smiled like a mad man...and so did I. "I wont let you down love, you can count on me." "Thats why your my favorite." belloway said as he turned slightly away. "And as for my job?" I asked. "As for your job, you will go to... Heaven and tell The Holy One about our plans..and you know what to do if he trys  anything." He said as he walked to his throne. "Of course your Greatness." I said as I bowed. "BRING HIM IN!" His voice boomed and echoed in the room. Smaller red doors opend and two big demons walked in with an angel between them. He was coverd in chains. His long shaggy black skater boy hair coverd his face as he looked at his feet. he was wearing and extreamly white butten up shirt white Skinnie jenes and pure white tennis shoes...Damn they must have ran outta colors in heaven, white is just so... boring! "Hello... Detrik." I said seductively and quite scarily if i do say so my self, as i walked up to him. He looked up at me. His eyes were Crystal blue/grey... I knew thoes eyes. He obviously rememberd me two. "Alyssa?!?" He asked sounding quite shoked. I hissed. "I AM NOT ALYSSA ANY MORE!!!! I AM ASSYLA!!" I hissed and screamed at him. "Why...Assyla did you turn to this-" he nodded over to Belloway. "worthless peice of shit." he glared at me waiting for a responce. "Cause...its more fun down YOU all turned on me.... I had a forbidden lo- ... He protects me and promised me the world." I finished bluntly. "We didnt turn on you, you turned on us!" He said and spat at me, his spit froze mid air and just fell to the ground. he looked at me in shock. "Ho- How- Howd you do that?" He asked. "Im powerful, detrik... dont forget that." I said smiling once again like a mad man. "Now... to heaven i go!" I said as i raised my big black wings with small patches of black feathers and took off.

                        *           *          *          *          *           *           *           *

                                                Belloway's P.O.V.

I looked up as Assyla flew threw the celing. My eyes whent back to Detrik who was staring at the place where she disipeared at. "Lets see how our friend is, Shall we?" I asked him. I swong one hand around in a circle and then the Flamerr appeared. It looked like a ring of fire with a tv in the middle. We saw Assyla walking up the stairs to Gods throne, he looked terrafied. "Hello, Pure one, how nice to see you. Now im not the one to beat around the bush." She said as she walked casuily around the throne. "So heres why im here, Belloway, I and all the demons youve damned to hell, We are gonna kill you and all your precious angels, then we shall rule the world. Oh! how could i forget to tell you! We have a precious angel of yours....DETRIK!" She said adressing everyone spinning so she faced them from behind the small throne. "So thats where hes at!" God said to him self. "HA! Did you hear that angels? Your God, Your protecter! Dosent know where his own angel is at! HA! How safe do ya feel know!" She asked them all as she now walked down the stairs, she looked stuningly beautiful and terrifing. Her stone grey eyes pierced at all of the angels. "Wouldnt you like to know that your Protecter knew where you were? Well he dosent! so one day if one of you goes missing he wont know for sure what happend! Cause he dosent!" She said fiercly striking fear into them all. "Now! I shall leave, If anyone tryes anything Ill Kill them both!" She said as she grabbed a really young angel than dissapeared. "Noo!!" you could hear all the angels scream you could see the fear in all of there faces, then the Flamerr dissapeard. Assyla appeard with the small angel child and took her to a corner on the otherside of the room and talked to her.

             *          *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *

                                                Assylas P.O.V.

"I-I wanna go home!" the angel child whimperd. "No worries child, ill protect you, just do as your told and youll be fine ok? and whats your name?" i asked her. "Sa-Saphire...and ok.." Saphire whimpred again. "Well saphire, im Assyla ok? and ill get you some dollies how dose that sound?" i asked her. "ok!" she said sounding a little excided. i grabed her hand and walked over to Belloway. "Hey! this angel is to be my apprentice." I said. "Fine." Belloway smiled. "SAPHIRE!" Detric hollerd struggling agents his chains.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2011 ⏰

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