Chapter 18: Helena

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Elsa's P.O.V.

Linda: "What the-"she said and she looks at me " How are you"

Elsa: Who are you

Linda: I'm the owner of this house

Elsa: Wrong answer, My granddaughter is the owner of this house. You the hoe you don't got no power or no deed

Linda: did you do this.. this is there Veroa said picking up a ripped t-shirt

Elsa : Who's the hell is that she do nails.. I need to get my nails done
I said

Linda: that's it I'm calling the police

Elsa: I ant scared of the po-po hoe call the po-po hoe i said

Meanwhile with Helena
Helena's P.O.V.

Helena: Charles please.. I don't have any money.. And i-

Charles: I tried to be nice to you didn't I.. Didn't I

Helena: I'll just go

Charles: you'll just go he said and I nod

Helena: I'll just take it and go

Charles: just take it and go huh... You gonna take my money and go what's wrong with you he said
With Elsa & Linda
Elsa's P.O.V.

Linda: of I call the police.. They'll be here in 10 minutes

Elsa: Okay that's gives me 9 to beat the hell out of you

Linda: you think I know Taekwondo

Elsa: and I know whoop -your- ass

Linda: ha she said playing her hands in a fight position

Elsa: Nah Come you don't know who I am. I'm from the projects

Linda: *starts talking in a different language*

Elsa: Come on what the hell is your problem come on I said and I hear arguing down stairs
Elsa: Shut up.. Oh hell no I said
and I ran downstairs

Charles: Charles What-

Elsa: Oh please hit her, please I want to you do it.. The hell wrong with you.. Hit her you bastard... Put your hands on her

Linda : Oh my god don't hurt him

Elsa: Oh I'm not gonna hurt him, I'm gonna kill him, putting his hands on my granddaughter I said

Linda: I'm calling the police

Charles: No

Elsa: yeah you call the police so they can see how you done hit her

Charles: Just get put

Helena: Charles I have been a good woman and wife to you I don't deserve money.. Keep your money she said throwing the money at his face

Elsa: girl you crazy as hell I said and I started Picking up the money

Helena: Just leave it

Elsa: I might leave some of it

Helena: the Evil Bastard that you are...

Charles: Get out

Elsa: Hell No, the way I see half of this house belongs to her

Charles:Well she not gonna see it

Elsa: What he say

Helena: come on Elsa let's go

Linda: that's right go

Elsa: Give me 5 minutes with her in the bathroom

Helena: Elsa let's go

Elsa: okay I'll leave I said

Helena: its just a madder of time he does the same thing to you she said and left

Linda: Never I'm a woman who knows how to get and keep her man

Elsa: What the hell wrong with you I'm not going anywhere I said turning on the chainsaw

Charles: What's that he said

Helena: Elsa

Elsa: Nah I say half of everything belongs to her so which half to you want.. Do you want this half or this half I said

Helena: Elsa

I ignored Helena and input the chainsaw threw the couch
Then me and Helena End up in jail

Meanwhile with Tempest
Tempest P.O.V.
Good elsa you are so stubborn
I drove to the police station and I shot darts at the guys the starts will loose your memory for at lease 5-10 minutes
And I saw Elsa and Helena and got them out

Tempest: Elsa.. Helena I said with a frown

Elsa: Hi

Helena: Dad she said and gave me a hug

Tempest: Elsa what the hell were you doing that was to far

Elsa: Hey he was hitting her what was I gonna do

Tempest: Elsa what did you do I said in a serious tone

Elsa: Umm...Nothing to bad she said and I looked at Helena and she started crying

Tempest: Helena what happened I asked and we go in the car

Helena: Well.. Elsa found out where I lived and she came over to talk to me and she saw my face and how it was red and I told her everything what Charles did to me. and she stared to drive at pur house and started breaking things of his and the woman Charles has been cheating on me with and thing got complicated, me and charles were arguing and he was about to hit me till Elsa and saved me and then next thing we know we're in jail she said and we got in my house and tell Helena , go to sleep I turned around and I see elsa by the door

Tempest: Elsa I said and she looks at me
Tempest: Thank you I said

Elsa: For what

Tempest: For being there and helping Helena

Elsa: Hey it's what families do we look out for each other alright.. And don't worry I'm not mad at anyone here

Tempest: I know but I wasn't there to help her I said making myself guilty

Elsa: Hey its okay I didn't know either non of us did don't blame yourself for this okay and Charles won't be waking up After Today she said and I look at her

Tempest: Elsa what did you do I said

Elsa: One word. Revenge she said and she told me she had to go and she left and I went to bed

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