Chapter 2

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Yvonne's POV

We got to the terminal where the boys would come out and Harper was already dancing around like a headless chicken excited to see Harry.

" It's almost time girls I can't wait" she yelled to us.

" We know" we yelled back laughing.

" Calm down Harppp we know they're coming no need to get over excited" I scolded her.

Harper's POV

" Sorry Yvonee I guess I'm just really happy to be able to see my best friend its been a long time and I've missed him heaps" I told her apologising.

After I calmed down we went to Starbucks and got drinks. We went back to arrivals and waited.

" Woo half an hour left yayyy" I shouted getting crazy looks from people passing by.

" No need to yell Harper" Spencer said hitting me lightly on the arm.

We sat down and after what seemed like forever I saw Harry and the other boys looking for us.

I started to run towards him getting more and more excited by the second. He noticed me, picked me up and spun me around in a circle, like how they do in the movies.

" I've missed you so much Harry" I exclaimed giggling with a big smile on my face.

" I've missed you Harp" Harry replied with a grin.

Spencer's POV

" You guys are welcome to stay with us. The place is big so it will fit all eleven of us." I told them smiling.

They all looked at each other and Liam spoke.

" Oh no we can get a hotel we don't want to impose " he said politely.

" No no it's fine boys" Harper said happiness filling her eyes.

" Means we can spend every day with you guys".

"How long are you guys staying for?" Raylen asked.

" We don't know really yet anywhere from six to ten months or more possibly. However long they let us have a break." Zayn replied.

Niall's POV

I was getting hungry so I decided to suggest we get some food.

" How about we go drop our stuff off at the girl's place and all go out for a Nandos for lunch?" I suggested.

Everyone nodded their heads and we went.

We went to Nandos and ate our food afterwards we went back to the girls place and decided to watch a movie. The girls were scared as it was a scary movie but we all cuddled them and everyone ended up falling asleep on the couches.

Hope this is a good chapter sorry if ts crappy xx 💋

@EtaStyles 💋💕

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