Chapter 21

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Chances ring. On my hand. Why? I just stared at it. I sat with it on my finger and Shelton and hi were staring at it as well but ben was twiddling his fingers and staring at the ground. fewer cars started going by and also fewer light was in the sky. Ben wouldn't look at me. I think he knew something that none of us knew of.
Hi started of the conversation.
" is that chances ring in your hand ? I mean how did it get there. "
How did it get there? I didn't quite have the answer for that. Yet.
" yea it is. And I have no idea how it got there or why I have it either. "
"Can you take off the ring tori. I'd like to look at it "
I took of the ring and handed it to Shelton. In place of where the ring was I noticed two red burns. Shelton's face was in awe when he looked on the inside of the ring. He then showed hi. Because we were all sitting in a circle Shelton was opposite Ben and so didn't show him the ring he just handed it back to me. Not that Ben was paying attention to anything that was going on. I was eager to see what Shelton and hi were making such a big deal out of.
"Look at that. Do you know what that is. ( I shook my head ) that is wiring which could possibly be triggered to electrocute you. That is possibly how you passed out. Before you fainted did you feel any pain at all?"
Shelton was right it was wires and it makes sense because my arm hurt right before I passed out.
"Yeah I did and it was my arm that was in pain. "
"So now we know what it was for. It was used to make you pass out or just to cause you pain. We know that much but , we don't know how the ring was put on your finger or even how the ring is here. "
Hi made a good point.
" the ring was probably just put on my finger whilst we were knocked out. So that gives us how it got there but it doesn't tell us how they got a hold of chances ring. "
"Wait a minute."
Shelton and hi both had there thinking faces on and I had a feeling that they were on to something and it better have been good. Shelton spoke first.
" we know that along with hanna and Ella there had to have been another person with them. What if that person was chance. "
" he certainly has the motive. That would explain the ring and he would be the muscle in this thing/ whatever this is. "
I think hi and Shelton were right it makes sense.
" i agree. It all sorta fits in doesn't it. Ben are you actually going to say anything or are you just going to mope in the corner for whatever reason that we don't know. "
Now he was starting to bother me. He hasn't said a word since we started talking. I know that he is a quiet person but this is abnormally quiet. I turned so that I was facing him directly.
" so are you going to just sit there or are you going to help us figure out why this is all happening and who you think is behind all of this. "
He looked up and straight into my eyes. His deep brown eyes. He then proceeded to look at hi then Shelton. Then returned his look at his twiddling fingers.
"There is a fault in you're reasoning on who it is. "
He dares to tell us that we are wrong when he can't even look at one of us for more than ten seconds.
"How! How is there something wrong in our reasonings! And if so then please enlighten me in what is wrong with it !!!"
" I gave them the ring. Chance might not even know about any of this. "
The three of us just looked at him. He stole the ring and then gave it to them. How could he. And not even mention it until now. Good now all of are theory's are just down the drain now and useless. I can't believe this big ballon headed buffoon. 

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