Apartments & Provolone Cheese

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"Lydia, please, stop this."

"Tadah!" I squealed dorkishly, gesturing to my rather small apartment.

Spencer laughed lightly. 

"Wow," he began. "I'm impressed by its quaintness. I don't mean that in a bad way either, I actually enjoy quaint things. Especially when they're put together this nicely."

Spencer looked over at me to see a contained laugh hidden beneath my lips, the realization obvious on his face. 

"I'm sorry. I talk a lot sometimes, sometimes not enough actually. It's a blessing and a curse." He said quietly. 

"It's alright, Dork. I like that about you." I smiled.

Suddenly, the realization of the level of forwardness my sentence contained hit my face with a level of expression that I'm certain was obvious. I could see a smirk beginning to form on Spencer's face.

"I, um, I'm going to go pack my things." I stated nervously, walking away mid-sentence. 

"Sounds good, Dork." Spencer said, putting emphasis on 'dork'.

A smile emerged on my small lips as I entered my safe space: my room. The walls were a soft lavender, string lights hanging up around the ceiling's base. White furniture kept things looking clean, perfectly accompanying the soft lavender. My room sounded like a teenage girls paradise, I know. I'm slightly embarrassed by it, because I feel like it should be more mature. But, no matter how hard I tried, I could never bring myself to take it down. After much mental pondering, I finally finished packing my bag, and was on my way back to my living room to greet an awkward Spencer Reid. 

"Let's go, Dork." I said, laughter trying to stay inside.

Spencer, on the other hand, let his laughter come out loudly, proudly, and naturally. I'm glad I made a genuine friend so fast, in all honesty. 

As we got into my car, Spencer began to speak. 

"So, what brought you to the BAU, Lydia?" He asked. 

"Well, I've always been intrigued by psychology. How people think, why they do what they do, exc. When I was younger, my father was killed on duty as a police officer. I was pretty young, so I don't remember it vividly. But, ever since, I've wanted to be able to stop the 'bad guys' with using the weapon of understanding. So, I put my two passions together and here I am." I finished.

After a few seconds of silence, Spencer spoke. "Wow. Well, I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I suppose that is quite a reason to join some sort of law enforcement team."

"I guess," I replied. "How about you?"

"Oh, mine? It's not that interesting, really. I'd rather not answer." Spencer said quietly. 

"That's alright." I replied softly.

For the rest of the ride to the plane we had simple conversation, and I introduced Spencer to the singer James Bay. After lots of teasing towards my undeniable love towards James, directed by Spencer, we had finally arrived at our destination. Once on the plane, we discussed our unsub and their potential motives, exc. We also officially discussed our split in teams. Like Spencer had mentioned, I was teamed with him and Morgan. Excitement began to rise, for I was paired with the two people on the team who I had grown most fond of. Since I didn't know much about Morgan, I decided to go and converse with him

As soon as I came into Morgan's vision, he greeted me warmly. 

"Hey, Sweetheart. Sorry you were stuck with brains over there earlier." Morgan laughed.

As I sat down across from him, I let myself laugh lightly too. 

"He's not too bad," I began. "But I would've enjoyed your company."

"Everyone does." He said with a smirk, bringing his arms behind his head in an attempt to boost his fake arrogant appearance.

This time, I laughed a little harder. 

"So, what's your backstory, Sweetheart?" Morgan asked. 

Now, I could take two different routes. The first one, being somewhat serious. At least, the version I wanted to present and have the team know me by. I already presented this version to Spencer earlier in the car. So, I decided to take the alternate route. The comedic path.

"Well, one day I woke up and decided making sandwiches at Louie's Sandwich shop just wasn't for me. Smelling like salami and provolone cheese day after day was just too much to bare." I concluded, a fake tear sliding down my cheek. 

Morgan stared at me for a few seconds, then busted out laughing so loud that the entire team took noticed and had turned their confused minds to the back of the plane.

"Sweetheart, you kill me." Morgan said in-between laughs.

"It's my talent." I beamed. 

In all honesty, I was just happy he didn't ask me the same question again.


I AM SORRY I KNOW THIS IS VERY SHORT! I'm currently writing another book right now as well so I'm doing my best to manage my time. Sorry! I'll try and get another chapter up tonight to make up for my lousy actions. Please keep reading! Lot's of interesting things are sure to come about.

-Love, Ashley <3

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