Let's have a little fun today... with Elen

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After an amazing nght on the bordwalk with noone reconizing us we were all so happy. We all went back to Mine and Justins house and crashed on the couches.

I woke up next to Justin, but i could have sworn I was on the couch. I slid out of Justin's arms and then I went to the closet to get dressed for the day. I put on my 'fame is boring' t shirt, my red skinny jeans, my J inital necklace, my justin bieber bracelet, and Justins silver supras. As I was putting on Justins shoes he woke up nd in his groggy voice he said "good morning sweetiepie! What time is it?" I replyed"It is around 10." "ohkayy good than we have time." "Time for what?" "We have to get ready were gonna be on Ellen.""I love Ellen!" I screamed. Justin just laughed grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom to get a shower.

I went down stairs and found christian and Annie cooking breakfast. I screamed" You guys can not cook! I don't want my house to burn down!" I felt arms snake around my waist and turned around to face Chaz. He let go and said to me "Chill Jess Chris is like a master cook he knows what he is doing." "Ohkayy then." I repyed. Christian placed a plate of bacon and eggs infront of me. I gave him a hugg and said"If you were older I would date you!" We all laughed and then pretty boy Justin came down the stairs just as Michaela Ryan and Sam woke up. We all ate breakfast then the girls ran up stairs to borrow some of my clothes so they could be in the audience at Ellen.

Once we were all ready we got into Justin's range rover. We drove to the stuidio and met up with Kenny so we could walk in in peace. Once we were in I sat down next to Pattie who was sitting next to Christian who was sitting next to Sam who was sitting next to chaz who was sitting next to Ryan who was sitting next to Michaela. I was on the end by the isial.

Soon the show started pattie and I werecracking up at almost every joke. Soon everything got serious and Ellen was trying to convince the crowd that she was going to be singing a duet with Justin Bieber. Then the wall opened and Justin came out. They started talking about it and came to the conclution that there was not going to be a duet. Then their conversation turned to me and I was called on stage.

I sat downon the couchnext to Justin. "Hello Jessa and welcome to the show.", Ellen said in a news brodcaster voice. I giggled and said hello. "So There have been many roumors about you and justin being engaged do you wanna give us the scoop on that?" I looked at Justin with a worried look. He nodded to me and i felt like i was going to barf that very moment. "Well are you gonna tell us whats going on?" Ellen asked. Justin grabbed my hand giving me reasurence that it was ohkayy to tell her. I really did not feel good but I answred. "Justin and I are engaged." I said to her. The crowed started to cheer and I got a few but not a lot ofdirty looks. After that Ellen cut to comercial break. I ran to a camera crew guy and asked him where the nearest bathroom was. He told me and I grabbed Justin away from the guys. I walked in the bathroom. He asked what waswrong andI told him "I..." that was as far as I gotbefore i started to vomet. He heald my hair. "Baby its fine youll be ohkayy." When i was done he handed me a napkin and I wiped my face. He asked me what was wrong. I told him it was just my nerves. "Jess you gonna be ohkayy to do the show?" "Yeah that question just scared me everything finally settled in i guess." "What do you mean?" "Well I guess reality hit me that i was getting married soon." "Oh Ohkay then.'' " WE ARE BACK IN 3...!" Justin and I ran just as the man said 2 we sat back on the couch and got ready to talk to Ellen. The show started again. Ellen bumbarded us with questions. After the show was over we all got into the limo except for pattie. You could tell that I was annoyed and everyone kept askin whats wrong. Justin had me wrapped in a hug and I just burruied my head into his chest. Then they all backed off. We got to the house Justin unlocked the door and I pushed passed him and ran upstairs into our bedroom.

*Justins POV*

Jessa pushed past me and by the time i got in the house after all the other people went if first she was at the top of the stairs turnning into the hallway to go to our room. Christian asked me what was wrong but I had no answer because she didnt tell me anything. I ran upstairs after her. I walked in to the room to see her laying on the bed txting. "Hey." I said to her. "Hi" she responded. "What is wrong and don't say nothing and I want the full-on truth." "Every single night our friends our here, I don't hav a problem with it but it's just we hav yet to have alone time in our house." "I'm sorry you want alone time I'll tell them all to leave how is that". "No then they will think im a bitch!" "But you want alone time?" "I know but-." "No buts plus if we have alone time..."

All I Want Is You...Justin Bieber Book 1Where stories live. Discover now