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"Geralt, you have been summoned to Vizima by Emperor Emhyr var Emreis, you are to set foot immediately" stated Yennefer, a sorceress with long, curly, black hair enveloping her flawless cheeks, eyes gazing a penetrative stare towards Geralt. "And why?" he enquired,
"You are to see for yourself." As you can see, Yen is quite the... bossy  personality, firm and decisive with every word she sets free.

A distinct shape was imprinted with every contact between the ground and the horse hooves as Geralt and Yen galloped against the sunrise. Geralt wore, weirdly, regular Witcher's armour: gauntlets of tightly woven chainmail engulfed by a layer of leather and fine stitching, similar patterns duplicated across the armour and 'trousers'. The shoes... well calling them shoes would be an underestimate, they're manufactured from thick leather and are clutched to the leg by something akin to a modern belt. The two swords (steel for human, silver for monsters) are conceived of multiple layers of thin material stacked on top with incantations engraved along the flat side of the blade. Potions, deadly to ordinary folk, enchant the user with powers like, healing, better sight in the dark or even a potion that cancels out other potion effects currently active. The bombs, also, can have different effects: some produce a perimeter in where monsters and humans instantly freeze some blind enemies and some even disturb magic abilities leaving enemies vulnerable. Be that as it may, all these effects only last a certain period of time.

 Be that as it may, all these effects only last a certain period of time

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The doors gradually opened, illuminating Geralt and Yen's face with a mandarine orange light. They disembarked their horses and nonchalantly marched to the Emperor in tow of his Chamberlain. Unsurprisingly, Geralt was demanded to take off his armour and squeeze into a lavish doublet and breeches due to the sheer importance of this meeting. Prior, however, Geralt was bathed and shaved by the finest barber around. The muck on his face purged and his nails clipped he was ready for the rendezvous. "Show me how to bow," urged the Chamberlain,
 "Huh?" Geralt retorted,
 "Show-me-how-to-bow" he repeated, with spaces between the words indicating annoyance. Geralt butchered the bow, "Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. WRONG!" said the Chamberlain in a crescendo, he then indicated how to correctly bow. "Idiot" muttered Geralt as he departed from the Chamberlain,
"I heard that!" he replied as Geralt smiled in a sinister fashion.

Geralt approached Emreis' door, exhaling a large, dense breath. The Chamberlain raced to the handle, opened the door and introduced Geralt to Emreis and vice versa, an awkward silence polluted. "Geralt of Rivia," said the Emperor, 
"Yes?" Geralt replied,
"Cirilla... she has returned," stated Emreis
"Ciri?" gasped Geralt in disbelief, "is she in danger?"
"Exactly," Emreis, "you see, the Wild Hunt-" 
"The Wild Hunt?" Geralt gasped...

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