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Okay so I'm not going to bore you to death with rules, but here are some.

1. This club is open to anyone. Any age, gender, etc.

2. NO FIGHTING. Fighting, rudeness, hate, etc. will not be tolerated. If you are being hateful to any member, you will be removed from this club IMMEDIATELY. If a fellow club member is being mean to you, please PM me and I will remove them from this club.

3. All members will be put into pairs. The pairs will be chosen at random. If you have already been paired with someone already, please tell me and I will pair you with someone else. If there are no other members available for pairing, please read, vote, comment on the next 4 chapters of their book. EX. Sally and I are paired. We have been paired before though and we have already read each others first 4 chapters. So we will read the next 4. Ya dig?

4. All members will be in pairs (as stated above). You will read your partner's first 4 chapters, vote on each, and comment on those. (Excluding Prologues)

5. Comments are to help your partner with their writing. You will give constructive criticism.  

6. Your comments can not be one, two, or three word comments. They must be meaningful. If my book has a bad plot, tell me but tell me how to fix it. Don't say "Your book is trash." Be nice but give your partner real comments.

7. Every week their will be a Book Of The Week. I will PM you if your book is BOTW. It too will be chosen at random. Every member will read the first 2 chapters, vote, and comment. On my profile, I will have a BOTW reading list.

8. This club is help fellow Directioners noticed. Not everyone has 5k followers. Trust me.

9. Lastly, have fun! 

18 July 2016: I'm too lazy to redo these rules so look at the READERS chapter for updated rules. Bye!

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