Chapter Two

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When I arrived at the hospital my nerves and anxiousness were 102. Julian was finally coming home and I was both nervous and overjoyed. Everything would finally feel complete with him at home.

Having held him a dozen times I did not think it would feel this amazing to have him in my arms again. But this time was different. He was coming home, I didn't have to give him away to the nurse and come back and see him tomorrow or the next day. No, I could see and hold him anytime I wanted now. The thought of everything, the joy of everything, made tears well up in my eyes. I don't remember a time, recently, where I have been this happy about anything.

Before we left the hospital the nurses and doctor gave me told me everything I needed to know just in case something happened with him, like if he wasn't eating, or his breathing sounded a bit off, that I should bring him in and to not take any chances with him. He may be a miracle baby but he still needs to be watched just in case, seeing as he was born months early.

But that still did not take away my excitement.

Placing him in his car seat was a magical feeling. Driving and knowing that he was sound asleep in the back seat was an even better feeling.

And when I arrived at my parents annual Christmas Eve party and seeing Jaycee's face light up when she finally got to hold and kiss her little brother was the best of those feelings.

The entire party consisted of everyone filling their faces with Christmas cookies and wine or going gaga over Julian. Begging to hold him, kiss him, and despite my worry wort mom ways I let everyone hold and love on him.

Both Jaycee and Julian got a decent amount of presents from my parents and other relatives and by the time the party was over and we went back to the apartment both of them were knocked out in the back seat.

Laying Jaycee on the couch and Julian in the small bassinet placed in the living room, I went up to Jaycee's room to pack her over night bag to go stay at Patties where she would spend Christmas Eve night and Christmas morning with her dad, Justin.

Pattie had asked me weeks ago if she could see Jaycee and I allowed it. I couldn't keep her from Pattie, or anyone else on that side of the family. It was her family too, they are a part of her and she needs them. Even Justin.

But the only way I would allow her to spend a night with Justin is if Pattie was there with them. Even if I didn't want to give up my Christmas Eve night or Christmas morning joy to spend with her, she needed to see her dad. She misses him more and more each day and ever since I mentioned the idea of her spending Christmas with her dad she has been thrilled. Of course she was worried at first not knowing if Santa would know where she was and actually stop and bring her present at her dads, but after reassuring her for days straight she was overjoyed and it was all she could talk about.

Grabbing a few fancy dresses, I know she would want to wear and show her dad, I placed them in the small tote back, along with pajamas and other clothing and items should would need.

And just as I finished I heard a knock on the front door.

Looking at the small Justin Bieber clock Jaycee keeps on her bed side table, I saw just how late it was and that it was definitely Pattie at the door here to pick Jaycee up.

And when I made my way downstairs and opened the front door sure enough there Pattie was.

"Hey Blaine." She smiled, greeting me with a warm embrace which I returned.

I loved Pattie, I always have. She's always been there for me and understood every decision I had to make for myself and for Jaycee and Julian and for that I am grateful for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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