Chapter 8

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Author's Note: OK. It is very clear that I'm running out of ideas except the "Nordics Appearing" one but that will be saved for later! I promise! But that doesn't mean the story is going to end at this point. NOPE.

*Quirrell's POV*

"H-h-homework i-is n-nine inches o-on t-the s-s-subject o-o-of D-d-doxies!" I quivered as my final class for the day left. After not one student was in my classroom, I closed and locked the door, making sure that it couldn't be opened by spells or muggle techniques. I made the room soundproof too.

"Master, about the country representative students..."

"Yes, I am quite interested in them. Human-like beings, representing our countries, living for centuries to millennia... and here most of the world's most powerful beings are gathered in this very school, disguised as ordinary first year students. I wonder if I could make use of their immortality. Then I could control the world, and transform it to my image. Quirrell... I need you to gather the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter, and as well as the country representative 1st years."

"Yes, Master."

*Romano's POV*

I already knew that Veneziano was the better brother since childhood.

1. He was nicer, more bubbly, as I was just a pain in the ass to everyone.

2. Spain wanted to trade me for Veneziano at one point.

3. Sometimes, at world meetings, I could hear the whispers of countries talking behind my back. Bad things.

Sometimes, it makes me upset being compared to Veneziano. Even he didn't like that. Like I said, he's nicer. He's nice to me and always sticks up for me when he hears people talk behind my back. How lucky I am to have one person sticking by my side no matter what.

Sometimes, I wished that I would just disappear. I know that everyone would wish for that too. Now now, before you get any thoughts, no. I do not self harm or anything like that. It would be very pointless since I cannot die unless South Italy dissolved. Well... Prussia is living because he represents East Germany now. (A/N: Yes, I believe that Germany had him represent the east side of Germany to keep him alive because he loves his brother too much.)

Then, a voice spoke in my head.

"So, Italy Romano. Do you feel compared to your younger brother all the time?"


"Relax. I am of no harm. I am Tom Riddle. I will ask you again. Do you feel compared to your younger brother?"

Well... yes, actually.

"Then you're not alone. I was an orphan when I was younger and I was never taken in by a family. I was always ignored."

So? What do you want with me?

"I figured that we could... conquer the world together... get revenge on those who have called you names behind your back? Nuisance? Brat? The worst out of the Italy twins?"

G-get revenge?

*Back to the most recent world meeting*

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