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It was the day.

The day that he was supposed to regret running in and saving his 'best friend'.

But he didn't.



There Izuku was, laying in a bed, trying to recall the drastic event that took place a few hours ago. Izuku had talked to All Might about something on the roof, but the rest was a blur to him. "Midoriya?" A nurse called out, walking into the hospital room, carrying a small table that held the contents of a regular hospital dinner. Rice, fish, and other necessities that carried enough nutrients to keep the injured boy moving and alive. Izuku looked up tiredly at the women, who walked over towards his bedside, and set down the small table right above his lap. "I bought your dinner, despite it being 11pm! Do you feel better?"

"I think so." He mumbled, picking up his chopsticks. "Ah, that's good. If you need anything, feel free to call!" The nurse waved goodbye, and left the hospital room, giving Izuku some privacy to eat his dinner.

Izuku tiredly tore some fish off with his chopsticks, and placed the bite size fish in his mouth. Right when he chewed at the piece of salmon, he quickly leaned over, dropping his chopsticks on the white bed sheets and covered his mouth, eyes shut.

It tasted so horrific.

He forced to down, shivering at the taste and texture. "That's... disgusting," Izuku mumbled to himself, shaken up from what just happened. He picked up his chopsticks, throwing it down on the small table at quickly turned to his side, looking over at the wall.

He didn't even bother tasting everything else that laid on the small table that hovered above him. Izuku looked over at a blood bag that was hooked up to him, 'O' planted on a square piece of paper, big and bold. "Where did they get this blood from..." He mumbled to himself and started to close his eyes.

"Midoriya Izuku? Your mother is here to see you." A male voice said, and followed were footsteps running towards Izuku. "M-mom!" Izuku stuttered and sat up, seeing his mother standing beside his bedside, and the male left. "I-I was s-so wo-worried!" She cried out, making Izuku flinch. "I-I'm sorry mom! Please don't cry..." He mumbled, trying his best to comfort his crying mother.

"A-After t-they called me a-about the accident... and t-that you had to get your o-organs replaced... I-I was so scared..." Izuku frowned, seeing his mom at this state broke his heart. But then he flinched.

He got his organs replaced? Oh, that's right.

Izuku bit his lip, looking down at the white bedsheet, recalling the events that took place before he was quickly sent to the emergency room to undergo surgery. He let out a shaky breath and looked up at his mom with a fake smile. "D-Don't worry. I'm being released tomorrow, t-that's what they said anyway." Izuku said, rubbing the back of his head shyly, hoping that his mom would just stop crying.

"A-Alright.. th-that's good." She said, her breath still shaky, and her tears slowly ceased. Izuku's mom rubbed her eyes, giving her son a hug.

She smelled so good.

"I-I'll be here to pick you up... okay?" She said with a smile, making Izuku smile back worriedly at his previous thought.

"I'll look forward to it, mom."


"Are you feeling around Izuku? You haven't eaten your breakfast and you look really tired!"

Izuku's mother said as Izuku laid across his bed.

They had just recently let Izuku depart from the hospital, giving his mother a few notes that Izuku hasn't eaten his dinner or breakfast at all. That was the only thing that seemed wrong with him that the doctors noticed, seeing that Izuku's surgery and wounds healed well.

"I-I'm fine! You d-don't need to worry, mom!" Izuku hurriedly spoke, rubbing the back of his head as he looked over at his mother, who currently carried a bowl of Katsudon and a bottle of water. "I do need to worry! Just make sure you eat and drink this for your lunch, okay? I'll be coming back to make sure you didn't treat it like the hospital food! You need the nutrients." She said, looking over at Izuku's form, and a feeling of guilt started to rise within her.

"I'll eat it, mom!" Izuku said a smile plastered on his face. "A-Alright. Take care of yourself!" Izuku's mom said, and with that, she left him alone in his room.

Immediately when he heard her footsteps leave the area, he quickly jumped out of his bed, almost falling onto the wooden floor due to him wearing fuzzy socks. His expression fell to look mixed with confusion and being worried. He walked over to his desk, grabbing the water bottle and quickly unscrewing the cap, throwing it into the trashcan and started drinking the clear liquid.

Izuku quickly gagged, spitting out the water out onto the floor. He let go of the water bottle, letting the water spill everywhere. Izuku grabbed onto his throat, trying to spit out the disgusting taste that lingered on his tongue.

He quickly gasped in some air, reaching for the chopsticks and the bowl of Katsudon. He shoved a piece of pork and rice into his mouth, only in result to make him drop the bowl and chopsticks. Izuku spat out the contents that were in his mouth, almost throwing up in the process.

He began to cry.

Izuku was crying because he was stressed, confused. He didn't know what was wrong with him. Nothing tasted or smelled right to him, and his mother smelled delicious.

He continued to let the tears flow, and shakily stood up, trying not to fall. "W-Wet s-socks..." He mumbled, looking down at where his foot laid, which was in the puddle of water. Izuku let out a sob, looking up at the mirror.



Izuku almost screamed, falling down on his back, his breath shaken and eyes widened.

He was... a ghoul?

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