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Ever since I traded to Hopes and Dreams horrible name I know, anyways ever since I traded from CALI to ATL. I've never fit in. Its not like I'm outcast or anything its just that i never felt welcome in with the cliques.

Right now I'm guessing your really confused because I haven't even introduced myself yet, wow.

Hi, my names Melissa but people call me Lissa for short. I'm fifteen, yep a younger and I'm very friendly.

Don't worry I'm not one of those 'hood rats' or 'ratchet, ghetto's'. Neither am I a posh totty. Well my best friend Monique is ghetto, and my sister Tony or T-T for short is really posh.

I live in a medium 3 bed house which is alright, but I do like to keep lowkey.

I've never done drugs or smoked in my life neither do I ever want to. I think I'm a average girl not a goody-goody but not a ... um... baddy-baddy? Well yeah you get my point.

This is how I fly through highschool finding and breaking people's hearts.

Oh and heres a tip, it won't be as cliché as you think.

Remember don't judge a book by its cover.


What did you think pretty alright for a first story.

There might be some spelling mistakes in there so don't watch that.

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