chapter one;

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Melissa's POV.


I was in a good dream about doughnuts dancing and don't get me wrong I'm not fat I just really like food. Anyways I was having a peaceful dream when I felt freezing water being splashed on me. A normal person would scream and shout at the person, I on the other hand grabbed the person and started stepping on them. I think you've guessed already that I am not normal.

"Aghh, get off you big umpa lumpa... MOOOM!!" My snotty sister Tony said. Luckily I only have one sibling or else I'm not sure how I would've survived.

"Well next time just shake me you bitch! Arghh, how I wish I was an only child." I screamed at her. Pushing her out the door I got ready for school. When I slammed the door in her face I was sure she said that the feelings mutual, oh well.

I skipped down the stairs praying that my step-mom was at work. Just my luck she was home, and to the looks of it she was angry.

"Melissa Honey Brown, don't ever talk to your sister like that. Look at the disgrace that your wearing. Ugh your lucky I love your father." Laiah my step-mother said with an attitude. She gave me a look of pure disgust.

Being the loud mouth I am I had to say something.

"Well atleast I ain't a skanky hoe like you, I have respect for myself." I said giving an attitude right back.

Laiah didn't respond and carried on drinking her coffee, brushing past me like I never existed.

You see, Tony is my half, step-sister. We sometimes get along but only when no-ones around. My father re-married a tramp e.g Laiah once my so called mother ran off with a boy toy, who's probably left her by now. Laiah's always hated me because my father put me first before anyone, not like he even cares anymore. That's why Laiah treats me so bad. But eh, who gives a fuck? Definitely not me.

I grabbed an apple and my keys hopping into my Audi Q7 2014. What can I say my daddy's rich not to brag yeah.

I drove to school thinking about what I was wearing I mean I am a little plain but so what, that's me. I do think it's time to chan- NO. What am I thinking I can't. Well maybe I can but not until atleast 3more people suggest I should. I took a couple of breaths as I parked up and came out my car.

As usual people gave me weird looks as I walked down the hallway.

I met up with Monique at my locker.

"Hey Chica, why so glum?" Nique asked concerned. This was why she was my best friend, she's never judged me, always cared and I appreciate it.

"Just the usual, my wicked step-mother and annoying step-sister moaning at me again. I swear one day I'm just gonna run away with the money my brother gave me when he died." I said with a sniffle.

Monique hugged me telling me everything will be fine before walking to her boyfriend, Jay.

When I said how I only have one sibling I was kinda lying. He died when I was 13 by a drive-by. At the time I didn't know how to feel, but now all I think of pain. It's alright because I know his spirit is with me. Anyways he was in a gang, I always knew that but not why. On my sixth birthday he gave my five million. I've always respected and looked up to him.

Back to the story, Monique was really pretty. She had a thick Spanish accent which made people sometimes not understand her. Luckily I'm Spanish as well so I can.

Mons boy-friend Jay was cute but definitely not my type. He was player and everyone knew it. I'm surprised they last so long

[two years]. Jays last relationship ended with him cheating but if that happens to Nique I'm definitely gonna help her through it.

I on the other hand is single. I walked up to where Monique was, saying hi to the guys. As usual Tyreese or Ty as I like to say started hitting on me again.

"Sup Mels, when's our wedding?" He said with a grin. I lifted up my eyebrow ignoring his comment.

"Ty how's many times do I have to say this. There was no 'Us' nor will there ever be an 'Us'. I said with a grin. He feigned hurt by putting a hand on his heart. All their boys started snickering.

"I see your still playing hard to get, but don't worry babe's you know your mine." Ty said winking with a cheeky smile that showed off his cute dimples. I just sighed walking to my AP classes. Just because I'm smart like that.


Just as I entered the classroom the bell rang. I took a seat in the back like normal just waiting until the last period which was drama. I love drama, only because I'm a drama queen and I'm good at it. Right now I was in maths which I hate so much ugh. I just don't get it but oh well its just part of life whether you like it or not.

25minutes into the lesson and Monique walked in. Just because she hangs around with a dumb-fuck like Jay don't mean she's stupid. Far from it actually.

"Hey Chica what's up with you. Ty said you were sad and seemed worried." I rolled my eyes, I bet he was probably down some hoes throat. The only reason why Nique said that was because she's been trying to set us up for ages. For as long as I live, I know I will never in my life hook up with Tyreese. He might be sexy but he's a player and he only goes out with pretty girls e.g Sarah and her clique, the biggest hoes of the school.

"I'm good just waiting until drama, where's your boytoy?" I said wiggling my eyebrows she laughed and playfully hit my arm.

"Girl I'm only 24hours older." She said she a grin.

"Girl you make it sound like he's like he born on the same day, but really its a day difference." I stated acting like I knew all the facts while mimicking her voice.

Monique smiled then we all turned to the door as a person I never thought I'd ever seen again entered.

It was...


WTF. I swear he died. He was one of my best friends along with Nique. We all went way back. When my brother was alive they both was always pulling pranks. I used to have a crush on him. But it faded. I swear I stopped breathing. I ended up fainting.


Hope you guys enjoyed. The story's probably really confusing right now but you'll start to understand it soon, hopefully.

Sorry for any mistakes, I just can't be bothered to check over things and if I spell a few words wrong to the way you'd spell it. It's because I'm from London and things get quite confusing sometimes.

Thanks for reading and soz about the long an.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2013 ⏰

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