Chapter 15: My World's Gone.

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She just left.
Walked straight out the door.
The boys came to me, I was on the back deck now sitting on the ground.
"It's gunna be alright, mate" Ashley tried to reassure me.
"My whole world just walked out in a matter of 2 minutes" I said barley above a whisper.
Jake was no where to be seen.
Sophie came & sat with me, she must of gave the boys some look because they all walked away.
"Andrew, I'm sorry, I have an Idea why Jade has done this but I can not be sure until I've talked to her" she said rubbing my back to calm me.
Sophie had become like a sister in the short time we've known eachother.
"S-Sophie I can't do-"
I couldn't finish because before I could Sophie tugged me into a bone crushing hug.
& more tears flooded my eyes.
"Hey, don't cry." Sophie said hugging me tighter.
"I love her soph, & she just left... Walked straight out the door... & left"
I could hardly speak from crying & my voice was more raspy then usual.
Fuck !
My sadness started to turn to anger.
I pulled out of Sophie's embrace & walked up to my room locking the door behind me.
I grabbed whatever I could and threw them at the wall.
I was angry.
At myself.
At what I said.
I said it too early.
I Should of let her trust me more.
I'm so stupid.
I ran out of things to throw so I started punching the walls.
"ANDY !" I herd being yelled from the other side of the door.
"It's jake ! I went and saw her."
I stopped almost immediately & opened the door.
"Dude, what did you do !?" Jake said stepping in and looking around the room.
"Nothing, what did she say."
Jake explained everything, everything about how she didn't think she was god enough & that I deserved better.

*half an hour later*
I was in the car driving to Sophie's house thing & the radio was pumping music I don't even know what it was some new band.
I had arrived at Sophie's & walked around the back.
Sophie had left after I got angry because she had a huge headache & she wanted to go check on Jade.
I knocked on the door.
No answer.
I walked in.
Sophie was sitting at the kitchen counter top.
Tears slowly & silently running down her face.
"What's wr-"
She handed me a letter an I read it.

"Tell the man I love-"
She loves me...
She's gone.


IM SORRY !!!!!
Next chapter might be up in a week, maybe earlier if you guys are lucky ;)

-Forever & always T xx

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