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The day is December 24, 1999. Oswald and Diana O'Hare are joined with their eight and four year old daughter, Bethany and Lyla. Not long ago, Diana gave birth to her third daughter. Everyone is patiently next to the bed where Diana is disobeying hospital rules and smoking her precious cigarette.

"Oh have I missed you" she mumble puffing out the smoke that escaped her ruby red lips. Even after give birth she still looks stunning.

Just then the nurse berated into the room with a worried expression whilst cradling the tiny baby in the pastel pink swaddle.

"We're afraid to tell you this but you daughter has been cursed with a horrendous scar near her ear." She exclaimed while handing the infant to her mother

"Nothing like a little makeup won't do. We won't have a daughter gracing this nasty curse won't we." She announced looking at her husband, who is in shock.

"No dear." He unwillingly said looking at her. "As the founder and CEO of Nexo, it would not be good press." The nurse rolls her eyes uninterested

"Mommy why is she" Four year old Lyla asked scrunching her nose is disgust. Eight year old tapped her "Lyla that it's very nice to say. is true. When we were infant we were beautiful. She's like the ugly duckling but she would never go into her looks. She's going to be a...LITTLE WALLFLOWER!"Bethany proclaims with an evil smirk.

Her parents nodded in agreement as the nurse rushes in, "Have you two chosen a name for her yet." She asked with a fake smile because she doesn't want to be here. Diana looks around the room to see a pamphlet called Serenity.

"Serenity." Diana quickly answers.

"Serenity Bernadette O'Hare"
"The Little Wallflower"

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